Source code for schedula.utils.des

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2017 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

It provides tools to find data, function, and sub-dispatcher node description.

import re
import logging
from .dsp import SubDispatch, SubDispatchFunction, bypass, replicate_value, \

__author__ = 'Vincenzo Arcidiacono'

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_attr_doc(doc, attr_name, get_param=True, what='description'): if what == 'value_type': if get_param: m =":param\b.*\b%s:" % attr_name, doc) if m: es = r":param[\s]+(?P<types>.*)[\s]+%s:" m = re.match(es % attr_name, if m: m = m.groupdict()['types'] if m: return m es = r":type[\s]+%s:" % attr_name else: es = r":rtype:" else: if get_param: es = r":param\b.*\b%s:" % attr_name else: es = r":returns?:" res =, doc) if res: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return get_summary(doc[res.regs[0][1]:].split('\n')) else: return ''
[docs]def get_summary(doc): while doc and not doc[0].strip(): doc.pop(0) # If there's a blank line, then we can assume the first sentence / # paragraph has ended, so anything after shouldn't be part of the # summary for i, piece in enumerate(doc): if not piece.strip(): doc = doc[:i] break # Try to find the "first sentence", which may span multiple lines m ="^([A-Z].*?\.)(?:\s|$)", " ".join(doc).strip()) if m: summary = elif doc: summary = doc[0].strip() else: summary = '' return summary
def _search_doc_in_func(dsp, node_id, where_succ=True, node_type='function', what='description'): nodes = dsp.nodes des, link = ('', '') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def check(*args): return True if where_succ: neighbors = dsp.dmap.succ node_attr = 'inputs' else: neighbors = dsp.dmap.pred node_attr = 'outputs' if node_type == 'function': if not where_succ: def check(n): if dsp.dmap.out_degree(n) == 1: return True func = parent_func(dsp.nodes[n].get('function', None)) return isinstance(func, SubDispatch) def get_des(func_node): n_ix = func_node[node_attr].index(node_id) d, ll = '', '' if where_succ: fun, n = parent_func(func_node['function'], input_id=n_ix) if n < 0 or fun in (bypass, replicate_value): fun, n_ix = parent_func(func_node['input_domain'], input_id=n_ix) if n_ix < 0: return d, ll else: n_ix = n else: fun = parent_func(func_node['function']) if isinstance(fun, SubDispatchFunction): sub_dsp = fun.dsp n_id = getattr(fun, node_attr)[n_ix] n_att = sub_dsp.nodes[n_id] d, ll = search_node_description(n_id, n_att, sub_dsp, what) elif isinstance(fun, SubDispatch) and not where_succ: if fun.output_type == 'list': sub_dsp = fun.dsp n_id = getattr(fun, node_attr)[n_ix] n_att = sub_dsp.nodes[n_id] d, ll = search_node_description(n_id, n_att, sub_dsp, what) doc = fun.__doc__ if not d and doc: from sphinx.util.inspect import getargspec attr_name = getargspec(fun) try: attr_name = attr_name[0][n_ix] if where_succ else None except IndexError: attr_name = attr_name[1] return get_attr_doc(doc, attr_name, where_succ, what), '' return d, ll else: if where_succ: def get_id(node): return node[node_attr][node_id] else: def get_id(node): it = node[node_attr].items() return next(n for n, m in it if m == node_id) def get_des(dsp_node): sub_dsp = dsp_node['function'] n_id = get_id(dsp_node) return search_node_description(n_id, sub_dsp.nodes[n_id], sub_dsp, what) for k, v in ((k, nodes[k]) for k in sorted(neighbors[node_id])): if v['type'] == node_type and check(k): # noinspection PyBroadException try: des, link = get_des(v) except Exception: pass if des: return des, link if where_succ: return _search_doc_in_func(dsp, node_id, False, node_type, what=what) elif node_type == 'function': return _search_doc_in_func(dsp, node_id, True, 'dispatcher', what=what) return des, link
[docs]def search_node_description(node_id, node_attr, dsp, what='description'): if node_attr['type'] in ('function', 'dispatcher'): func = parent_func(node_attr.get('function', None)) else: func = None if what in node_attr: des = node_attr[what] elif func: des = func.__doc__ or '' if not des: from .. import Dispatcher if isinstance(func, Dispatcher): des = elif isinstance(func, SubDispatch): des = elif not func: return _search_doc_in_func(dsp, node_id, what=what) else: des = '' link = get_link(node_id, func) des = get_summary(des.split('\n')) return des, link