Source code for schedula.utils.dsp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2017 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It provides tools to create models with the :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher`.
import collections
import inspect
import copy as _copy
import functools
import itertools
import types
from .base import Base
from .exc import DispatcherError, DispatcherAbort
from .gen import Token

__author__ = 'Vincenzo Arcidiacono'

[docs]def stlp(s): """ Converts a string in a tuple. """ if isinstance(s, str): return s, return s
[docs]def combine_dicts(*dicts, copy=False, base=None): """ Combines multiple dicts in one. :param dicts: A sequence of dicts. :type dicts: dict :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> sorted(combine_dicts({'a': 3, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}).items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)] """ if len(dicts) == 1 and base is None: # Only one input dict. cd = dicts[0].copy() else: cd = {} if base is None else base # Initialize empty dict. for d in dicts: # Combine dicts. if d: # noinspection PyTypeChecker cd.update(d) # Return combined dict. return {k: _copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in cd.items()} if copy else cd
[docs]def kk_dict(*kk, **adict): """ Merges and defines dictionaries with values identical to keys. :param kk: A sequence of keys and/or dictionaries. :type kk: object | dict, optional :param adict: A dictionary. :type adict: dict, optional :return: Merged dictionary. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', 'c').items()) [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('c', 'c')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', **{'a-c': 'c'}).items()) [('a', 'a'), ('a-c', 'c'), ('b', 'b')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', {'b': 'c'}, 'c').items()) [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'c')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', **{'b': 'c'}).items()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: keyword argument repeated """ for k in kk: if isinstance(k, dict): if not set(k).isdisjoint(adict): raise ValueError('keyword argument repeated') adict.update(k) elif k in adict: raise ValueError('keyword argument repeated') else: adict[k] = k return adict
[docs]def bypass(*inputs, copy=False): """ Returns the same arguments. :param inputs: Inputs values. :type inputs: T :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :return: Same input values. :rtype: (T, ...), T Example:: >>> bypass('a', 'b', 'c') ('a', 'b', 'c') >>> bypass('a') 'a' """ if len(inputs) == 1: inputs = inputs[0] # Same inputs. return _copy.deepcopy(inputs) if copy else inputs # Return inputs.
[docs]def summation(*inputs): """ Sums inputs values. :param inputs: Inputs values. :type inputs: int, float :return: Sum of the input values. :rtype: int, float Example:: >>> summation(1, 3.0, 4, 2) 10.0 """ # Return the sum of the input values. return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, inputs)
[docs]def map_dict(key_map, *dicts, copy=False, base=None): """ Returns a dict with new key values. :param key_map: A dictionary that maps the dict keys ({old key: new key} :type key_map: dict :param dicts: A sequence of dicts. :type dicts: dict :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict with new key values. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> d = map_dict({'a': 'c', 'b': 'd'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1}, {'b': 2}) >>> sorted(d.items()) [('c', 1), ('d', 2)] """ it = combine_dicts(*dicts).items() # Combine dicts. get = key_map.get # Namespace shortcut. # Return mapped dict. return combine_dicts({get(k, k): v for k, v in it}, copy=copy, base=base)
[docs]def map_list(key_map, *inputs, copy=False, base=None): """ Returns a new dict. :param key_map: A list that maps the dict keys ({old key: new key} :type key_map: list[str | dict | list] :param inputs: A sequence of data. :type inputs: iterable | dict | int | float | list | tuple :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict with new values. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> key_map = [ ... 'a', ... {'a': 'c'}, ... [ ... 'a', ... {'a': 'd'} ... ] ... ] >>> inputs = ( ... 2, ... {'a': 3, 'b': 2}, ... [ ... 1, ... {'a': 4} ... ] ... ) >>> d = map_list(key_map, *inputs) >>> sorted(d.items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)] """ d = {} if base is None else base # Initialize empty dict. for m, v in zip(key_map, inputs): if isinstance(m, dict): map_dict(m, v, base=d) # Apply a map dict. elif isinstance(m, list): map_list(m, *v, base=d) # Apply a map list. else: d[m] = v # Apply map. return combine_dicts(copy=copy, base=d) # Return dict.
[docs]def selector(keys, dictionary, copy=False, output_type='dict', allow_miss=False): """ Selects the chosen dictionary keys from the given dictionary. :param keys: Keys to select. :type keys: list, tuple, set :param dictionary: A dictionary. :type dictionary: dict :param copy: If True the output contains deep-copies of the values. :type copy: bool :param output_type: Type of function output: + 'list': a list with all values listed in `keys`. + 'dict': a dictionary with any outputs listed in `keys`. + 'values': if output length == 1 return a single value otherwise a tuple with all values listed in `keys`. :type output_type: str, optional :param allow_miss: If True it does not raise when some key is missing in the dictionary. :type allow_miss: bool :return: A dictionary with chosen dictionary keys if present in the sequence of dictionaries. These are combined with :func:`combine_dicts`. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> from functools import partial >>> fun = partial(selector, ['a', 'b']) >>> sorted(fun({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}).items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] """ if not allow_miss: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def check(key): return True else: def check(key): return key in dictionary if output_type == 'list': # Select as list. res = [dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)] return _copy.deepcopy(res) if copy else res elif output_type == 'values': return bypass(*[dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)], copy=copy) # Select as dict. return bypass({k: dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)}, copy=copy)
[docs]def replicate_value(value, n=2, copy=True): """ Replicates `n` times the input value. :param n: Number of replications. :type n: int :param value: Value to be replicated. :type value: T :param copy: If True the list contains deep-copies of the value. :type copy: bool :return: A list with the value replicated `n` times. :rtype: list Example:: >>> from functools import partial >>> fun = partial(replicate_value, n=5) >>> fun({'a': 3}) ({'a': 3}, {'a': 3}, {'a': 3}, {'a': 3}, {'a': 3}) """ return bypass(*[value] * n, copy=copy) # Return replicated values.
[docs]def parent_func(func, input_id=None): if isinstance(func, functools.partial): if input_id is not None: # noinspection PyTypeChecker input_id += len(func.args) return parent_func(func.func, input_id=input_id) elif isinstance(func, add_args): if input_id is not None: input_id -= func.n return parent_func(func.func, input_id=input_id) if input_id is None: return func else: return func, input_id
[docs]class add_args(object): """ Adds arguments to a function (left side). :param func: Function to wrap. :type func: callable :param n: Number of unused arguments to add to the left side. :type n: int :return: Wrapped function. :rtype: callable Example:: >>> def original_func(a, b): ... '''Doc''' ... return a + b >>> func = add_args(original_func, n=2) >>> func.__name__, func.__doc__ ('original_func', 'Doc') >>> func(1, 2, 3, 4) 7 """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, n=1, callback=None): self.n = n self.callback = callback self.func = func for i in range(2): # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._set_doc(func, n) break except Exception: func = parent_func(func)
def _set_doc(self, func, n): self.__name__ = func.__name__ self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ self.__signature__ = _get_signature(func, n) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): res = self.func(*args[self.n:], **kwargs) if self.callback: self.callback(res, *args, **kwargs) return res def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # noinspection PyArgumentList,PyArgumentList cls = add_args( func=_copy.deepcopy(self.func, memo), n=self.n, callback=_copy.deepcopy(self.callback, memo) ) return cls
def _get_signature(func, n=1): sig = inspect.signature(func) # Get function signature. def ept_par(): # Return none signature parameter. name = Token('none') return name, inspect.Parameter(name, inspect._POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) # Update signature parameters. par = itertools.chain(*([p() for p in itertools.repeat(ept_par, n)], sig.parameters.items())) sig._parameters = types.MappingProxyType(collections.OrderedDict(par)) return sig
[docs]def stack_nested_keys(nested_dict, key=(), depth=-1): """ Stacks the keys of nested-dictionaries into tuples and yields a list of k-v pairs. :param nested_dict: Nested dictionary. :type nested_dict: dict :param key: Initial keys. :type key: tuple, optional :param depth: Maximum keys depth. :type depth: int, optional :return: List of k-v pairs. :rtype: generator """ if depth != 0 and hasattr(nested_dict, 'items'): for k, v in nested_dict.items(): yield from stack_nested_keys(v, key=key + (k,), depth=depth - 1) else: yield key, nested_dict
[docs]def get_nested_dicts(nested_dict, *keys, default=None, init_nesting=dict): """ Get/Initialize the value of nested-dictionaries. :param nested_dict: Nested dictionary. :type nested_dict: dict :param keys: Nested keys. :type keys: object :param default: Function used to initialize a new value. :type default: callable, optional :param init_nesting: Function used to initialize a new intermediate nesting dict. :type init_nesting: callable, optional :return: Value of nested-dictionary. :rtype: generator """ if keys: default = default or init_nesting if keys[0] in nested_dict: nd = nested_dict[keys[0]] else: d = default() if len(keys) == 1 else init_nesting() nd = nested_dict[keys[0]] = d return get_nested_dicts(nd, *keys[1:], default=default, init_nesting=init_nesting) return nested_dict
[docs]def are_in_nested_dicts(nested_dict, *keys): """ Nested keys are inside of nested-dictionaries. :param nested_dict: Nested dictionary. :type nested_dict: dict :param keys: Nested keys. :type keys: object :return: True if nested keys are inside of nested-dictionaries, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ if keys: # noinspection PyBroadException try: return are_in_nested_dicts(nested_dict[keys[0]], *keys[1:]) except Exception: # Key error or not a dict. return False return True
[docs]def combine_nested_dicts(*nested_dicts, depth=-1, base=None): """ Merge nested-dictionaries. :param nested_dicts: Nested dictionaries. :type nested_dicts: dict :param depth: Maximum keys depth. :type depth: int, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: Combined nested-dictionary. :rtype: dict """ if base is None: base = {} for nested_dict in nested_dicts: for k, v in stack_nested_keys(nested_dict, depth=depth): while k: # noinspection PyBroadException try: get_nested_dicts(base, *k[:-1])[k[-1]] = v break except Exception: # A branch of the nested_dict is longer than the base. k = k[:-1] v = get_nested_dicts(nested_dict, *k) return base
[docs]class SubDispatch(Base): """ It dispatches a given :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher` like a function. This function takes a sequence of dictionaries as input that will be combined before the dispatching. :return: A function that executes the dispatch of the given :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher`. :rtype: callable .. seealso:: :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.dispatch`, :func:`combine_dicts` Example: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 :code: >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> sub_dsp = Dispatcher(name='Sub-dispatcher') ... >>> def fun(a): ... return a + 1, a - 1 ... >>> sub_dsp.add_function('fun', fun, ['a'], ['b', 'c']) 'fun' >>> dispatch = SubDispatch(sub_dsp, ['a', 'b', 'c'], output_type='dict') >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('Sub-dispatch', dispatch, ['d'], ['e']) 'Sub-dispatch' The Dispatcher output is: .. dispatcher:: o :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 :code: >>> o = dsp.dispatch(inputs={'d': {'a': 3}}) while, the Sub-dispatch is: .. dispatcher:: sol :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 :code: >>> sol = o.workflow.node['Sub-dispatch']['solution'] >>> sol Solution([('a', 3), ('b', 4), ('c', 2)]) >>> sol == o['e'] True """
[docs] def __init__(self, dsp, outputs=None, cutoff=None, inputs_dist=None, wildcard=False, no_call=False, shrink=False, rm_unused_nds=False, output_type='all'): """ Initializes the Sub-dispatch. :param dsp: A dispatcher that identifies the model adopted. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher :param outputs: Ending data nodes. :type outputs: list[str], iterable :param cutoff: Depth to stop the search. :type cutoff: float, int, optional :param inputs_dist: Initial distances of input data nodes. :type inputs_dist: dict[str, int | float], optional :param wildcard: If True, when the data node is used as input and target in the ArciDispatch algorithm, the input value will be used as input for the connected functions, but not as output. :type wildcard: bool, optional :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool, optional :param shrink: If True the dispatcher is shrink before the dispatch. :type shrink: bool, optional :param rm_unused_nds: If True unused function and sub-dispatcher nodes are removed from workflow. :type rm_unused_nds: bool, optional :param output_type: Type of function output: + 'all': a dictionary with all dispatch outputs. + 'list': a list with all outputs listed in `outputs`. + 'dict': a dictionary with any outputs listed in `outputs`. :type output_type: str, optional """ self.dsp = dsp self.outputs = outputs self.cutoff = cutoff self.wildcard = wildcard self.no_call = no_call self.shrink = shrink self.output_type = output_type self.inputs_dist = inputs_dist self.rm_unused_nds = rm_unused_nds = self.__name__ = self.__doc__ = dsp.__doc__ from .sol import Solution self.solution = Solution(dsp)
def __call__(self, *input_dicts, copy_input_dicts=False, _sol_output=None, _sol=None): # Combine input dictionaries. i = combine_dicts(*input_dicts, copy=copy_input_dicts) # Dispatch the function calls. self.solution = self.dsp.dispatch( i, self.outputs, self.cutoff, self.inputs_dist, self.wildcard, self.no_call, self.shrink, self.rm_unused_nds, stopper=_sol and _sol[1].stopper ) return self._return(self.solution, _sol_output, _sol) def _return(self, solution, _sol_output, _sol): outs = self.outputs solution.parent = _sol # Store solution. if _sol_output is not None: _sol_output['solution'] = solution # Set output. if self.output_type != 'all': try: # Save outputs. return selector(outs, solution, output_type=self.output_type) except KeyError: missed = set(outs).difference(solution) # Outputs not reached. # Raise error msg = '\n Unreachable output-targets: {}\n Available ' \ 'outputs: {}'.format(missed, list(solution.keys())) raise DispatcherError(msg, sol=solution) return solution # Return outputs.
[docs] def copy(self): return _copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs]class SubDispatchFunction(SubDispatch): """ It converts a :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher` into a function. This function takes a sequence of arguments or a key values as input of the dispatch. :return: A function that executes the dispatch of the given `dsp`. :rtype: callable .. seealso:: :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.dispatch`, :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.shrink_dsp` **Example**: A dispatcher with two functions `max` and `min` and an unresolved cycle (i.e., `a` --> `max` --> `c` --> `min` --> `a`): .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('max', max, inputs=['a', 'b'], outputs=['c']) 'max' >>> from math import log >>> def my_log(x): ... return log(x - 1) >>> dsp.add_function('log(x - 1)', my_log, inputs=['c'], ... outputs=['a'], input_domain=lambda c: c > 1) 'log(x - 1)' Extract a static function node, i.e. the inputs `a` and `b` and the output `a` are fixed:: >>> fun = SubDispatchFunction(dsp, 'myF', ['a', 'b'], ['a']) >>> fun.__name__ 'myF' >>> fun(2, 1) 0.0 .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> = 'Created function internal' The created function raises a ValueError if un-valid inputs are provided: .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> fun(1, 0) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... DispatcherError: Unreachable output-targets: ... Available outputs: ... """
[docs] def __init__(self, dsp, function_id, inputs, outputs=None, cutoff=None, inputs_dist=None, shrink=True, wildcard=True): """ Initializes the Sub-dispatch Function. :param dsp: A dispatcher that identifies the model adopted. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher :param function_id: Function name. :type function_id: str :param inputs: Input data nodes. :type inputs: list[str], iterable :param outputs: Ending data nodes. :type outputs: list[str], iterable, optional :param cutoff: Depth to stop the search. :type cutoff: float, int, optional :param inputs_dist: Initial distances of input data nodes. :type inputs_dist: dict[str, int | float], optional """ if shrink: dsp = dsp.shrink_dsp(inputs, outputs, cutoff=cutoff, inputs_dist=inputs_dist, wildcard=wildcard) if outputs: missed = set(outputs).difference(dsp.nodes) # Outputs not reached. if missed: # If outputs are missing raise error. available = list(dsp.data_nodes.keys()) # Available data nodes. # Raise error msg = '\n Unreachable output-targets: {}\n Available ' \ 'outputs: {}'.format(missed, available) raise ValueError(msg) # Set internal proprieties self.inputs = inputs = function_id # Set dsp name equal to function id. no_call = False from schedula.utils.sol import Solution self._sol = sol = Solution( dsp, dict.fromkeys(inputs, None), outputs, wildcard, None, inputs_dist, no_call, False ) # Initialize as sub dispatch. super(SubDispatchFunction, self).__init__( dsp, outputs, cutoff, sol.inputs_dist, wildcard, no_call, True, True, 'list' ) # Define the function to return outputs sorted. if outputs is None: self.output_type = 'all' elif len(outputs) == 1: self.output_type = 'values'
[docs] def parse_inputs(self, valid_keyword, *args, **kwargs): inputs = map_list(self.inputs, *args) # Check multiple values for the same argument. i = next((i for i in kwargs if i in inputs), None) if i: msg = "%s() got multiple values for argument '%s'" raise TypeError(msg % (, i)) i = next((i for i in sorted(kwargs) if i not in valid_keyword), None) if i: msg = "%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" raise TypeError(msg % (, i)) inputs = combine_dicts(self.solution.inputs, inputs, kwargs) m = [k for k in self.inputs if k not in inputs] if m: n, p, m, s = len(m), '', list(map("'{}'".format, m)), ' ' if n > 1: p = 's' m[-1] = 'and ' + m[-1] if n > 2: s = ', ' m = s.join(m) msg = "%s() missing %d required positional argument%s: %s" raise TypeError(msg % (, n, p, m)) return inputs
def __call__(self, *args, _sol_output=None, _sol=None, **kwargs): # Namespace shortcuts. self.solution = sol = self._sol.copy_structure() sol.stopper = (_sol and _sol[1].stopper) or self.dsp.stopper # Update inputs. input_values = self.parse_inputs(self.dsp.nodes, *args, **kwargs) # Define the function to populate the workflow. def i_val(k): return {'value': input_values[k]} # Initialize. sol._init_workflow(input_values, i_val, self.inputs_dist, False) # Dispatch outputs. # Return outputs sorted. return self._return(sol, _sol_output, _sol)
[docs]class SubDispatchPipe(SubDispatchFunction): """ It converts a :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher` into a function. This function takes a sequence of arguments as input of the dispatch. :return: A function that executes the pipe of the given `dsp`. :rtype: callable .. seealso:: :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.dispatch`, :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.shrink_dsp` **Example**: A dispatcher with two functions `max` and `min` and an unresolved cycle (i.e., `a` --> `max` --> `c` --> `min` --> `a`): .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('max', max, inputs=['a', 'b'], outputs=['c']) 'max' >>> def func(x): ... return x - 1 >>> dsp.add_function('x - 1', func, inputs=['c'], outputs=['a']) 'x - 1' Extract a static function node, i.e. the inputs `a` and `b` and the output `a` are fixed:: >>> fun = SubDispatchPipe(dsp, 'myF', ['a', 'b'], ['a']) >>> fun.__name__ 'myF' >>> fun(2, 1) 1 .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> = 'Created function internal' The created function raises a ValueError if un-valid inputs are provided: .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> fun(1, 0) 0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, dsp, function_id, inputs, outputs=None, cutoff=None, inputs_dist=None, no_domain=True, wildcard=True): """ Initializes the Sub-dispatch Function. :param dsp: A dispatcher that identifies the model adopted. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher :param function_id: Function name. :type function_id: str :param inputs: Input data nodes. :type inputs: list[str], iterable :param outputs: Ending data nodes. :type outputs: list[str], iterable, optional :param cutoff: Depth to stop the search. :type cutoff: float, int, optional :param inputs_dist: Initial distances of input data nodes. :type inputs_dist: dict[str, int | float], optional """ from schedula.utils.sol import Solution self.solution = sol = Solution( dsp, inputs, outputs, wildcard, cutoff, inputs_dist, True, True, no_domain=no_domain ) from .alg import _union_workflow, _convert_bfs bfs = _union_workflow(sol) o, bfs = outputs or sol, _convert_bfs(bfs) dsp = dsp._get_dsp_from_bfs(o, bfs_graphs=bfs) super(SubDispatchPipe, self).__init__( dsp, function_id, inputs, outputs=outputs, cutoff=cutoff, inputs_dist=inputs_dist, shrink=False, wildcard=wildcard ) self._sol.no_call = True self._sol._init_workflow() self._sol.no_call = False def _make_tks(v, s): nxt_nds = s.workflow[v] nxt_dsp = [n for n in nxt_nds if s.nodes[n]['type'] == 'dispatcher'] nxt_dsp = [(n, s._edge_length(s.dmap[v][n], s.nodes[n])) for n in nxt_dsp] return v, s, nxt_nds, nxt_dsp self.pipe = [_make_tks(*v['task'][-1]) for v in self._sol.pipe.values()]
def _init_new_solution(self, _sol): key_map, sub_sol, stopper = {}, {}, _sol and _sol[1].stopper or None for k, s in self._sol.sub_sol.items(): ns = s.copy_structure(dist=1) ns.stopper = stopper or ns.stopper ns.sub_sol = sub_sol key_map[s] = ns sub_sol[ns.index] = ns return key_map[self._sol], lambda x: key_map[x] def _init_workflows(self, inputs): self.solution.inputs.update(inputs) for s in self.solution.sub_sol.values(): s._init_workflow(clean=False) def _callback_pipe_failure(self): pass def __call__(self, *args, _sol_output=None, _sol=None, **kwargs): self.solution, key_map = self._init_new_solution(_sol) self._init_workflows(self.parse_inputs(self.inputs, *args, **kwargs)) for v, s, nxt_nds, nxt_dsp in self.pipe: s = key_map(s) if s.stopper.is_set(): raise DispatcherAbort("Stop requested.", sol=self.solution) if not s._set_node_output(v, False, next_nds=nxt_nds): self._callback_pipe_failure() break for n, vw_d in nxt_dsp: s._set_sub_dsp_node_input(v, n, [], s.check_cutoff, False, vw_d) s._see_remote_link_node(v) # Return outputs sorted. return self._return(self.solution, _sol_output, _sol)
[docs]class NoSub: """Class for avoiding to add a sub solution to the workflow."""
[docs]class DispatchPipe(NoSub, SubDispatchPipe): """ It converts a :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher` into a function. This function takes a sequence of arguments as input of the dispatch. :return: A function that executes the pipe of the given `dsp`, updating its workflow. :rtype: callable .. note:: This wrapper is not thread safe, because it overwrite the solution. .. seealso:: :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.dispatch`, :func:`~schedula.Dispatcher.shrink_dsp` **Example**: A dispatcher with two functions `max` and `min` and an unresolved cycle (i.e., `a` --> `max` --> `c` --> `min` --> `a`): .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('max', max, inputs=['a', 'b'], outputs=['c']) 'max' >>> def func(x): ... return x - 1 >>> dsp.add_function('x - 1', func, inputs=['c'], outputs=['a']) 'x - 1' Extract a static function node, i.e. the inputs `a` and `b` and the output `a` are fixed:: >>> fun = DispatchPipe(dsp, 'myF', ['a', 'b'], ['a']) >>> fun.__name__ 'myF' >>> fun(2, 1) 1 .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> = 'Created function internal' The created function raises a ValueError if un-valid inputs are provided: .. dispatcher:: fun :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> fun(1, 0) 0 """ def _init_new_solution(self, _sol): return self._sol, lambda x: x def _init_workflows(self, inputs): for s in self.solution.sub_sol.values(): s._visited.clear() return super(DispatchPipe, self)._init_workflows(inputs) def _callback_pipe_failure(self): raise DispatcherError("The pipe is not respected.", sol=self.solution)
[docs]class DFun(object): """ A 3-tuple ``(out, fun, **kwds)``, used to prepare a list of calls to :meth:`Dispatcher.add_function()`. The workhorse is the :meth:`addme()` which delegates to :meth:`Dispatcher.add_function()`: - ``out``: a scalar string or a string-list that, sent as `output` arg, - ``fun``: a callable, sent as `function` args, - ``kwds``: any keywords of :meth:`Dispatcher.add_function()`. - Specifically for the 'inputs' argument, if present in `kwds`, use them (a scalar-string or string-list type, possibly empty), else inspect function; in any case wrap the result in a tuple (if not already a list-type). .. note:: Inspection works only for regular args, no ``*args, **kwds`` supported, and they will fail late, on :meth:`addme()`, if no `input` or `inp` defined. **Example**: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> dfuns = [ ... DFun('res', lambda num: num * 2), ... DFun('res2', lambda num, num2: num + num2, weight=30), ... DFun(out=['nargs', 'res22'], ... fun=lambda *args: (len(args), args), ... inputs=('res', 'res1') ... )] >>> dfuns [DFun('res', <function <lambda> at 0x...>, ), DFun('res2', <function <lambda> at 0x...>, weight=30), DFun(['nargs', 'res22'], <function <lambda> at 0x...>, inputs=('res', 'res1'))] >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher() >>> DFun.add_dfuns(dfuns, dsp) """
[docs] def __init__(self, out, fun, inputs=None, **kwds): self.out = out = fun if inputs is not None: kwds['inputs'] = inputs self.kwds = kwds assert 'outputs' not in kwds and 'function' not in kwds, self
def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwds = selector(set(self.kwds) - {'fun', 'out'}, self.kwds) return 'DFun(%r, %r, %s)' % ( self.out,, ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in kwds.items()))
[docs] def copy(self): cp = DFun(**vars(self)) cp.kwds = dict(self.kwds) return cp
[docs] def inspect_inputs(self): fun_params = inspect.signature( assert not any(p.kind for p in fun_params.values() if p.kind != inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD), ( "Found '*args or **kwds on function!", self) return tuple(fun_params.keys())
[docs] def addme(self, dsp): kwds = self.kwds out = self.out fun = if not isinstance(out, (tuple, list)): out = (out,) else: pass inp = kwds.pop('inputs', None) if inp is None: inp = self.inspect_inputs() if not isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)): inp = (inp,) else: pass if 'description' not in kwds: kwds['function_id'] = '%s%s --> %s' % (fun.__name__, inp, out) return dsp.add_function(inputs=inp, outputs=out, function=fun, **kwds)
[docs] def add_dfuns(cls, dfuns, dsp): for uf in dfuns: try: uf.addme(dsp) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise ValueError("Failed adding dfun %s due to: %s: %s" % (uf, type(ex).__name__, ex)) from ex
def _get_parameters(func, include_kwargs=False): var = (inspect._VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect._VAR_KEYWORD) if include_kwargs: var += inspect._KEYWORD_ONLY, par = collections.OrderedDict() sig = _get_signature(func, 0) for k, v in sig._parameters.items(): if v._kind in var: break par[k] = v return par
[docs]def add_function(dsp, inputs_kwargs=False, inputs_defaults=False, **kw): """ Decorator to add a function to a dispatcher. :param dsp: A dispatcher. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher :param inputs_kwargs: Do you want to include kwargs as inputs? :type inputs_kwargs: bool :param inputs_defaults: Do you want to set default values? :type inputs_defaults: bool :param kw: See :func:~`schedula.Dispatcher.add_function`. :type kw: dict :return: Decorator. :rtype: callable **Example**: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> import schedula as sh >>> dsp = sh.Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['e']) ... def func(a, b, c, d=0): ... return (a + b) - c + d .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> import schedula as sh >>> dsp = sh.Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> @sh.add_function(dsp, True, True, outputs=['e']) ... def func(a, b, c, d=0): ... return (a + b) - c + d """ def decorator(f): par = {} if 'inputs' not in kw or inputs_defaults: par = _get_parameters(f, inputs_kwargs) kw['inputs'] = kw.get('inputs', tuple(par)) dsp.add_function(function=f, **kw) if inputs_defaults: for k, v in zip(kw['inputs'], par.values()): if v._default is not inspect._empty: dsp.set_default_value(k, v._default) return f return decorator