Source code for schedula.ext.autosummary

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2017 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It is a patch to shpinx.ext.autosummary.

import logging
import os.path as osp
from sphinx import package_dir
from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir
from sphinx.util.inspect import safe_getattr
from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment
from sphinx.jinja2glue import BuiltinTemplateLoader
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, TemplateNotFound
from sphinx.ext.autosummary import import_by_name, get_documenter
from sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate import (
    _simple_warn, _simple_info, find_autosummary_in_files

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_members(app, obj, typ, include_public=(), imported=False): items = [] for name in dir(obj): try: obj_name = safe_getattr(obj, name) try: documenter = get_documenter(app, obj_name, obj) except TypeError: documenter = get_documenter(obj_name, obj) except AttributeError: continue if documenter.objtype == typ: try: cond = imported or (obj_name.__module__ == obj.__name__) except AttributeError: cond = True if cond: items.append(name) public = [x for x in items if x in include_public or not x.startswith('_')] return public, items
[docs]def generate_autosummary_docs( sources, output_dir=None, suffix='.rst', warn=_simple_warn, info=_simple_info, base_path=None, builder=None, template_dir=None, app=None): showed_sources = list(sorted(sources)) if len(showed_sources) > 20: showed_sources = showed_sources[:10] + ['...'] + showed_sources[-10:] info('[autosummary] generating autosummary for: %s' % ', '.join(showed_sources)) if output_dir: info('[autosummary] writing to %s' % output_dir) if base_path is not None: sources = [osp.join(base_path, filename) for filename in sources] # create our own templating environment template_dirs = [osp.join(package_dir, 'ext', 'autosummary', 'templates')] if builder is not None: # allow the user to override the templates template_loader = BuiltinTemplateLoader() template_loader.init(builder, dirs=template_dirs) else: if template_dir: template_dirs.insert(0, template_dir) template_loader = FileSystemLoader(template_dirs) template_env = SandboxedEnvironment(loader=template_loader) # read items = find_autosummary_in_files(sources) # remove possible duplicates items = list(dict([(item, True) for item in items]).keys()) # keep track of new files new_files = [] # write # noinspection PyTypeChecker for name, path, template_name in sorted(items, key=str): if path is None: # The corresponding autosummary:: directive did not have # a :toctree: option continue path = output_dir or osp.abspath(path) ensuredir(path) try: name, obj, parent, mod_name = import_by_name(name) except ImportError as e: warn('[autosummary] failed to import %r: %s' % (name, e)) continue fn = osp.join(path, name + suffix) # skip it if it exists if osp.isfile(fn): continue new_files.append(fn) f = open(fn, 'w') try: try: doc = get_documenter(app, obj, parent) except TypeError: doc = get_documenter(obj, parent) if template_name is not None: template = template_env.get_template(template_name) else: try: template = template_env.get_template('autosummary/%s.rst' % doc.objtype) except TemplateNotFound: template = template_env.get_template('autosummary/base.rst') ns = {} if doc.objtype == 'module': ns['members'] = dir(obj) ns['functions'], ns['all_functions'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'function') ns['classes'], ns['all_classes'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'class') ns['exceptions'], ns['all_exceptions'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'exception') ns['data'], ns['all_data'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'data', imported=True) ns['data'] = ', '.join(ns['data']) ns['all_data'] = ', '.join(ns['all_data']) ns['dispatchers'], ns['all_dispatchers'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'dispatcher', imported=True) elif doc.objtype == 'class': ns['members'] = dir(obj) ns['methods'], ns['all_methods'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'method', ['__init__'], True) ns['attributes'], ns['all_attributes'] = \ get_members(app, obj, 'attribute') parts = name.split('.') if doc.objtype in ('method', 'attribute'): mod_name = '.'.join(parts[:-2]) cls_name = parts[-2] obj_name = '.'.join(parts[-2:]) ns['class'] = cls_name else: mod_name, obj_name = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1] ns['fullname'] = name ns['module'] = mod_name ns['objname'] = obj_name ns['name'] = parts[-1] ns['objtype'] = doc.objtype ns['underline'] = len(name) * '=' rendered = template.render(**ns) f.write(rendered) finally: f.close() # descend recursively to new files if new_files: generate_autosummary_docs(new_files, output_dir=output_dir, suffix=suffix, warn=warn, info=info, base_path=base_path, builder=builder, template_dir=template_dir, app=app)
[docs]def process_generate_options(app): genfiles = app.config.autosummary_generate if genfiles and not hasattr(genfiles, '__len__'): env = app.builder.env genfiles = [env.doc2path(x, base=None) for x in env.found_docs if osp.isfile(env.doc2path(x))] if not genfiles: return ext = tuple(app.config.source_suffix) genfiles = [genfile + (not genfile.endswith(ext) and ext[0] or '') for genfile in genfiles] try: from sphinx.ext.autosummary import get_rst_suffix suffix = get_rst_suffix(app) except ImportError: suffix = '.rst' if suffix is None: logger.warning('autosummary generats .rst files internally. ' 'But your source_suffix does not contain .rst. Skipped.') return generate_autosummary_docs(genfiles, builder=app.builder, warn=logger.warning,, suffix=suffix, base_path=app.srcdir, app=app)
[docs]def setup(app): app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.autosummary') # replace callback process_generate_options of 'builder-inited' event. import sphinx.ext.autosummary as mdl event = 'builder-inited' try: listeners = app._listeners[event] except AttributeError: # Sphinx 1.6.2 listeners =[event] for listener_id, callback in listeners.items(): if callback is mdl.process_generate_options: listeners[listener_id] = process_generate_options