Source code for schedula.utils.sol

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2017 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It contains a comprehensive list of all modules and classes within dispatcher.

Docstrings should provide sufficient understanding for any individual function.
import collections
import heapq
import logging
import time
from .alg import add_edge_fun, remove_edge_fun, get_full_pipe, _sort_sk_wait_in
from .cst import START, NONE, PLOT
from .dsp import SubDispatch, stlp, parent_func, NoSub
from .exc import DispatcherError, DispatcherAbort
from .base import Base

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]class Solution(Base, collections.OrderedDict): def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs] def __init__(self, dsp=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, wildcard=False, cutoff=None, inputs_dist=None, no_call=False, rm_unused_nds=False, wait_in=None, no_domain=False, _empty=False, index=(-1,), stopper=None): super(Solution, self).__init__() self.index = index self.rm_unused_nds = rm_unused_nds self.no_call = no_call self.no_domain = no_domain self.cutoff = cutoff self._wait_in = wait_in or {} self.outputs = set(outputs or ()) self.parent = None self._pipe = [] from .. import Dispatcher self._set_dsp_features(dsp or Dispatcher()) self.stopper = stopper or self.dsp.stopper if not _empty: self._set_inputs(inputs, inputs_dist) # Set wildcards. self._set_wildcards(*((inputs, outputs) if wildcard else ())) # Initialize workflow params. self._init_workflow()
def _input_value(self): # Define a function that return the input value of a given data node. if self.no_call: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def input_value(k): return {} else: inputs = self.inputs def input_value(k): return {'value': inputs[k]} return input_value def _set_dsp_features(self, dsp): self.dsp = dsp = self.nodes = dsp.nodes self.dmap = dsp.dmap self.raises = dsp.raises self._pred = dsp.dmap.pred self._succ = dsp.dmap.succ self._edge_length = dsp._edge_length def _set_inputs(self, inputs, initial_dist): if self.no_call: # Set initial values. initial_values = dict.fromkeys(self.dsp.default_values, NONE) if inputs is not None: # Update initial values with input values. initial_values.update(dict.fromkeys(inputs, NONE)) else: # Set initial values. initial_values = {k: v['value'] for k, v in self.dsp.default_values.items()} if inputs is not None: # Update initial values with input values. initial_values.update(inputs) # Set initial values. initial_distances = {k: v['initial_dist'] for k, v in self.dsp.default_values.items() if not inputs or k not in inputs} if initial_dist is not None: # Update initial distances. initial_distances.update(initial_dist) self.inputs, self.inputs_dist = initial_values, initial_distances def _set_wildcards(self, inputs=None, outputs=None): """ Update wildcards set with the input data nodes that are also outputs. :param inputs: Input data nodes. :type inputs: list[str], iterable, optional :param outputs: Ending data nodes. :type outputs: list[str], iterable, optional """ w = self._wildcards = set() # Clean wildcards. if outputs and inputs: node, wi = self.nodes, self._wait_in.get # Namespace shortcut. # Input data nodes that are in output_targets. w_crd = {u: node[u] for u in inputs if u in outputs or wi(u, False)} # Data nodes without the wildcard. w.update([k for k, v in w_crd.items() if v.get('wildcard', True)]) def _update_methods(self): self._wf_add_edge = add_edge_fun(self.workflow) self._wf_remove_edge = remove_edge_fun(self.workflow) self.check_wait_in = self._check_wait_input_flag() self.check_targets = self._check_targets() self.check_cutoff = self._check_cutoff() def _clean_set(self): self.clear() from networkx import DiGraph self.workflow = DiGraph() self._visited = set() self._wf_pred = self.workflow.pred self._errors = collections.OrderedDict() self.sub_sol = {self.index: self} self.fringe = [] # Use heapq with (distance, wait, label). self.dist, self.seen, self._meet = {START: -1}, {START: -1}, {START: -1} self._update_methods() self._pipe = [] def _init_workflow(self, inputs=None, input_value=None, inputs_dist=None, initial_dist=0.0, clean=True): # Clean previous outputs. if clean: self._clean_set() # Namespace shortcuts for speed. add_value = self._add_initial_value self._visited.add(START) # Nodes visited by the algorithm. # Add the starting node to the workflow graph. self.workflow.add_node(START, type='start') inputs_dist = inputs_dist or self.inputs_dist or {} # Update inp dist. inputs = inputs or self.inputs input_value = input_value or self._input_value() # Add initial values to fringe and seen. it = ((inputs_dist.get(v, 0.0) + initial_dist, v) for v in inputs) for d, k in sorted(it): add_value(k, input_value(k), d) self._add_out_dsp_inputs() def _close(self, cached_ids): p = self.index[:-1] if p: p = self.sub_sol[p] if self.index in cached_ids: k = cached_ids[self.index] else: i = self.index[-1:] k = next(k for k, v in p.nodes.items() if v['index'] == i) cached_ids[self.index] = k return not set(p.dmap[k]).difference(p.dist) return False
[docs] def run(self): # Initialized and terminated dispatcher sets. dsp_closed, dsp_init, cached_ids = set(), {self.index}, {} # Reset function pipe. pipe = self._pipe = [] # A function to check if a dispatcher has been initialized. check_dsp = dsp_init.__contains__ # Namespaces shortcuts dsp_init_add, pipe_append = dsp_init.add, pipe.append dsp_closed_add = dsp_closed.add fringe, check_cutoff = self.fringe, self.check_cutoff def _dsp_closed_add(s): dsp_closed_add(s.index) for val in s.dsp.sub_dsp_nodes.values(): _s = s.sub_sol.get(s.index + val['index'], None) if _s: _dsp_closed_add(_s) while fringe: # Visit the closest available node. n = (d, _, (v, sol)) = heapq.heappop(fringe) if sol.stopper.is_set(): raise DispatcherAbort("Stop requested.", sol=self) # Skip terminated sub-dispatcher or visited nodes. if sol.index in dsp_closed or (v is not START and v in sol.dist): continue # Close sub-dispatcher solution when all outputs are satisfied. if sol._close(cached_ids): _dsp_closed_add(sol) cached_ids.pop(sol.index) continue dsp_init_add(sol.index) # Update initialized dispatcher sets. pipe_append(n) # Add node to the pipe. # Set and visit nodes. if not sol._visit_nodes(v, d, fringe, check_cutoff, self.no_call): if self is sol: break # Reach all targets. else: _dsp_closed_add(sol) # Terminated sub-dispatcher. # See remote link node. sol._see_remote_link_node(v, fringe, d, check_dsp) if self.rm_unused_nds: # Remove unused func and sub-dsp nodes. self._remove_unused_nodes() return self # Data outputs.
[docs] def get_sub_dsp_from_workflow(self, sources, reverse=False, add_missing=False, check_inputs=True): sub_dsp = self.dsp.get_sub_dsp_from_workflow( sources, self.workflow, reverse=reverse, add_missing=add_missing, check_inputs=check_inputs ) return sub_dsp # Return the sub-dispatcher map.
@property def pipe(self): return get_full_pipe(self)
[docs] def copy_structure(self, **kwargs): sol = self.__class__( self.dsp, self.inputs, self.outputs, False, self.cutoff, self.inputs_dist, self.no_call, self.rm_unused_nds, self._wait_in, self.no_domain, True, self.index, self.stopper ) sol._clean_set() it = ['_wildcards', 'inputs', 'inputs_dist'] it += [k for k, v in kwargs.items() if v] for k in it: setattr(sol, k, getattr(self, k)) return sol
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): y = super(Solution, self).__deepcopy__(memo) y._update_methods() return y @property def full_name(self): """ Returns the full node id. :return: Full node id. :rtype: tuple[str] """ sub_sol = self.sub_sol def _get_id(path): p, i = path[:-1], path[-1:] if p: for k, v in sub_sol[p].nodes.items(): if v['index'] == i: return _get_id(p) + (k,) s = sub_sol[path] return (s.parent and (s.parent[1].full_name + s.parent[:1])) or () return _get_id(self.index) def _add_out_dsp_inputs(self): # Nodes that are out of the dispatcher nodes. o = sorted(set(self.inputs).difference(self.nodes)) # Add nodes that are out of the dispatcher nodes. if self.no_call: self.update(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(o, None)) else: self.update(collections.OrderedDict((k, self.inputs[k]) for k in o)) def _check_targets(self): """ Returns a function to terminate the ArciDispatch algorithm when all targets have been visited. :return: A function to terminate the ArciDispatch algorithm. :rtype: (str) -> bool """ if self.outputs: targets = self.outputs.copy() # Namespace shortcut for speed. def check_targets(node_id): """ Terminates ArciDispatch algorithm when all targets have been visited. :param node_id: Data or function node id. :type node_id: str :return: True if all targets have been visited, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ try: targets.remove(node_id) # Remove visited node. return not targets # If no targets terminate the algorithm. except KeyError: # The node is not in the targets set. return False else: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def check_targets(node_id): return False return check_targets # Return the function. def _check_cutoff(self): """ Returns a function to stop the search of the investigated node of the ArciDispatch algorithm. :return: A function to stop the search. :rtype: (int | float) -> bool """ if self.cutoff is not None: cutoff = self.cutoff # Namespace shortcut for speed. def check_cutoff(distance): """ Stops the search of the investigated node of the ArciDispatch algorithm. :param distance: Distance from the starting node. :type distance: float, int :return: True if distance > cutoff, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ return distance > cutoff # Check cutoff distance. else: # cutoff is None. # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def check_cutoff(distance): return False return check_cutoff # Return the function. def _check_wait_input_flag(self): """ Returns a function to stop the search of the investigated node of the ArciDispatch algorithm. :return: A function to stop the search. :rtype: (bool, str) -> bool """ wf_pred = self._wf_pred # Namespace shortcuts. pred = {k: set(v).issubset for k, v in self._pred.items()} if self._wait_in: we = self._wait_in.get # Namespace shortcut. def check_wait_input_flag(wait_in, n_id): """ Stops the search of the investigated node of the ArciDispatch algorithm, until all inputs are satisfied. :param wait_in: If True the node is waiting input estimations. :type wait_in: bool :param n_id: Data or function node id. :type n_id: str :return: True if all node inputs are satisfied, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Return true if the node inputs are satisfied. if we(n_id, wait_in): return not pred[n_id](wf_pred[n_id]) return False else: def check_wait_input_flag(wait_in, n_id): # Return true if the node inputs are satisfied. return wait_in and not pred[n_id](wf_pred[n_id]) return check_wait_input_flag # Return the function. def _get_node_estimations(self, node_attr, node_id): """ Returns the data nodes estimations and `wait_inputs` flag. :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict :param node_id: Data node's id. :type node_id: str :returns: - node estimations with minimum distance from the starting node, and - `wait_inputs` flag :rtype: (dict[str, T], bool) """ # Get data node estimations. estimations = self._wf_pred[node_id] wait_in = node_attr['wait_inputs'] # Namespace shortcut. # Check if node has multiple estimations and it is not waiting inputs. if len(estimations) > 1 and not self._wait_in.get(node_id, wait_in): # Namespace shortcuts. dist, edg_length, adj = self.dist, self._edge_length, self.dmap.adj est = [] # Estimations' heap. for k, v in estimations.items(): # Calculate length. if k is not START: d = dist[k] + edg_length(adj[k][node_id], node_attr) heapq.heappush(est, (d, k, v)) # The estimation with minimum distance from the starting node. estimations = {est[0][1]: est[0][2]} # Remove unused workflow edges. self.workflow.remove_edges_from([(v[1], node_id) for v in est[1:]]) return estimations, wait_in # Return estimations and wait_inputs flag. def _remove_wait_in(self): ll = _sort_sk_wait_in(self) n_d = set() for d, k, _, w in ll: if d == ll[0][0]: w[k] = False if w is self._wait_in: n_d.add(k) return n_d, ll def _set_node_output(self, node_id, no_call, next_nds=None): """ Set the node outputs from node inputs. :param node_id: Data or function node id. :type node_id: str :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :return: If the output have been evaluated correctly. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts. node_attr = self.nodes[node_id] node_type = node_attr['type'] if node_type == 'data': # Set data node. return self._set_data_node_output(node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds) elif node_type == 'function': # Set function node. return self._set_function_node_output(node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds) def _evaluate_function(self, args, node_id, node_attr, attr): if 'started' not in attr: attr['started'] = time.time() func = node_attr['function'] pfunc = parent_func(func) if isinstance(pfunc, SubDispatch) and not isinstance(pfunc, NoSub): res = func(*args, _sol_output=attr, _sol=(node_id, self)) else: res = func(*args) return res def _set_data_node_output(self, node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds=None): """ Set the data node output from node estimations. :param node_id: Data node id. :type node_id: str :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict[str, T] :param no_call: If True data node estimations are not used. :type no_call: bool :return: If the output have been evaluated correctly. :rtype: bool """ # Get data node estimations. est, wait_in = self._get_node_estimations(node_attr, node_id) if not no_call: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences attr = self.workflow.node[node_id] if node_id is PLOT: est = est.copy() est[PLOT] = {'value': {'obj': self}} # Final estimation of the node and node status. if not wait_in: if 'function' in node_attr: # Evaluate output. try: kwargs = {k: v['value'] for k, v in est.items()} value = self._evaluate_function( (kwargs,), node_id, node_attr, attr ) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: if 'started' in attr: dt = time.time() - attr['started'] attr['duration'] = dt # Some error occurs. msg = "Failed DISPATCHING '%s' due to:\n %r" self._warning(msg, node_id, ex) return False else: # Data node that has just one estimation value. value = list(est.values())[0]['value'] else: # Use the estimation function of node. try: # Dict of all data node estimations. kwargs = {k: v['value'] for k, v in est.items()} # Evaluate output. value = self._evaluate_function( (kwargs,), node_id, node_attr, attr ) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: if 'started' in attr: attr['duration'] = time.time() - attr['started'] # Is missing estimation function of data node or some error. msg = "Failed DISPATCHING '%s' due to:\n %r" self._warning(msg, node_id, ex) return False try: # Apply filters to output. value = self._apply_filters(value, node_id, node_attr, attr) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: if 'started' in attr: attr['duration'] = time.time() - attr['started'] # Some error occurs. msg = "Failed DISPATCHING '%s' due to:\n %r" self._warning(msg, node_id, ex) return False if value is not NONE: # Set data output. self[node_id] = value if 'started' in attr: attr['duration'] = time.time() - attr['started'] if 'callback' in node_attr: # Invoke callback func of data node. try: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable node_attr['callback'](value) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: msg = "Failed CALLBACKING '%s' due to:\n %s" self._warning(msg, node_id, ex) value = {'value': value} # Output value. else: self[node_id] = NONE # Set data output. value = {} # Output value. if next_nds: # namespace shortcuts for speed. wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge for u in next_nds: # Set workflow. wf_add_edge(node_id, u, **value) else: # namespace shortcuts for speed. n, has, sub_sol = self.nodes, self.workflow.has_edge, self.sub_sol def no_visited_in_sub_dsp(i): node = n[i] if node['type'] == 'dispatcher' and has(i, node_id): visited = sub_sol[self.index + node['index']]._visited return node['inputs'][node_id] not in visited return True # List of functions. succ_fun = [u for u in self._succ[node_id] if no_visited_in_sub_dsp(u)] # Check if it has functions as outputs and wildcard condition. if succ_fun and succ_fun[0] not in self._visited: # namespace shortcuts for speed. wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge for u in succ_fun: # Set workflow. wf_add_edge(node_id, u, **value) return True # Return that the output have been evaluated correctly. def _apply_filters(self, res, node_id, node_attr, attr): filters = [] # Apply filters to results. for f in node_attr.get('filters', ()): if not filters: if 'started' not in attr: attr['started'] = time.time() filters.append(res) pfunc = parent_func(f) if isinstance(pfunc, SubDispatch) and not isinstance(pfunc, NoSub): out = {} res = f(res, _sol_output=out, _sol=(node_id, self)) filters.append(out['solution']) else: res = f(res) filters.append(res) if filters: attr['solution_filters'] = filters return res def _set_function_node_output(self, node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds=None): """ Set the function node output from node inputs. :param node_id: Function node id. :type node_id: str :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict[str, T] :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :return: If the output have been evaluated correctly. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts for speed. o_nds, dist = node_attr['outputs'], self.dist # List of nodes that can still be estimated by the function node. output_nodes = next_nds or set(self._succ[node_id]).difference(dist) if not output_nodes: # This function is not needed. self.workflow.remove_node(node_id) # Remove function node. return False wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge # Namespace shortcuts for speed. if no_call: for u in output_nodes: # Set workflow out. wf_add_edge(node_id, u) return True args = self._wf_pred[node_id] # List of the function's arguments. args = [args[k]['value'] for k in node_attr['inputs']] args = [v for v in args if v is not NONE] attr = {'started': time.time()} try: if not self.no_domain and 'input_domain' in node_attr: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable attr['solution_domain'] = s = node_attr['input_domain'](*args) else: s = True if not s: return False # Args are not respecting the domain. else: # Use the estimation function of node. res = self._evaluate_function(args, node_id, node_attr, attr) # Apply filters to results. res = self._apply_filters(res, node_id, node_attr, attr) attr['results'] = res attr['duration'] = time.time() - attr['started'] # Save node. self.workflow.add_node(node_id, **attr) # List of function results. res = res if len(o_nds) > 1 else [res] except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: if isinstance(ex, DispatcherError): # Save intermediate results. attr['duration'] = time.time() - attr['started'] # Save node. self.workflow.add_node(node_id, **attr) # Is missing function of the node or args are not in the domain. msg = "Failed DISPATCHING '%s' due to:\n %r" self._warning(msg, node_id, ex) return False for k, v in zip(o_nds, res): # Set workflow. if k in output_nodes and v is not NONE: wf_add_edge(node_id, k, value=v) return True # Return that the output have been evaluated correctly. def _add_initial_value(self, data_id, value, initial_dist=0.0, fringe=None, check_cutoff=None, no_call=None): """ Add initial values updating workflow, seen, and fringe. :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param check_cutoff: Check the cutoff limit. :type check_cutoff: (int | float) -> bool :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :param data_id: Data node id. :type data_id: str :param value: Data node value e.g., {'value': val}. :type value: dict[str, T] :param initial_dist: Data node initial distance in the ArciDispatch algorithm. :type initial_dist: float, int, optional :return: True if the data has been visited, otherwise false. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts for speed. nodes, seen, edge_weight = self.nodes, self.seen, self._edge_length wf_remove_edge, check_wait_in = self._wf_remove_edge, self.check_wait_in wf_add_edge, dsp_in = self._wf_add_edge, self._set_sub_dsp_node_input update_view = self._update_meeting if fringe is None: fringe = self.fringe if no_call is None: no_call = self.no_call check_cutoff = check_cutoff or self.check_cutoff if data_id not in nodes: # Data node is not in the dmap. return False wait_in = nodes[data_id]['wait_inputs'] # Store wait inputs flag. index = nodes[data_id]['index'] # Store node index. wf_add_edge(START, data_id, **value) # Add edge. if data_id in self._wildcards: # Check if the data node has wildcard. self._visited.add(data_id) # Update visited nodes. self.workflow.add_node(data_id) # Add node to workflow. for w, edge_data in self.dmap[data_id].items(): # See func node. wf_add_edge(data_id, w, **value) # Set workflow. node = nodes[w] # Node attributes. # Evaluate distance. vw_dist = initial_dist + edge_weight(edge_data, node) update_view(w, vw_dist) # Update view distance. # Check the cutoff limit and if all inputs are satisfied. if check_cutoff(vw_dist): wf_remove_edge(data_id, w) # Remove workflow edge. continue # Pass the node. elif node['type'] == 'dispatcher': dsp_in(data_id, w, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call, vw_dist) elif check_wait_in(True, w): continue # Pass the node. seen[w] = vw_dist # Update distance. vd = (True, w, self.index + node['index']) # Virtual distance. heapq.heappush(fringe, (vw_dist, vd, (w, self))) # Add 2 heapq. return True update_view(data_id, initial_dist) # Update view distance. if check_cutoff(initial_dist): # Check the cutoff limit. wf_remove_edge(START, data_id) # Remove workflow edge. elif not check_wait_in(wait_in, data_id): # Check inputs. seen[data_id] = initial_dist # Update distance. vd = (wait_in, data_id, self.index + index) # Virtual distance. # Add node to heapq. heapq.heappush(fringe, (initial_dist, vd, (data_id, self))) return True return False def _update_meeting(self, node_id, dist): """ :param node_id: :param dist: :return: """ view = self._meet if node_id in self._meet: view[node_id] = max(dist, view[node_id]) else: view[node_id] = dist def _visit_nodes(self, node_id, dist, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call=False): """ Visits a node, updating workflow, seen, and fringe.. :param node_id: Node id to visit. :type node_id: str :param dist: Distance from the starting node. :type dist: float, int :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param check_cutoff: Check the cutoff limit. :type check_cutoff: (int | float) -> bool :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool, optional :return: False if all dispatcher targets have been reached, otherwise True. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts. wf_rm_edge, wf_has_edge = self._wf_remove_edge, self.workflow.has_edge edge_weight, nodes = self._edge_length, self.nodes self.dist[node_id] = dist # Set minimum dist. self._visited.add(node_id) # Update visited nodes. if not self._set_node_output(node_id, no_call): # Set node output. # Some error occurs or inputs are not in the function domain. return True if self.check_targets(node_id): # Check if the targets are satisfied. return False # Stop loop. for w, e_data in self.dmap[node_id].items(): if not wf_has_edge(node_id, w): # Check wildcard option. continue node = nodes[w] # Get node attributes. vw_d = dist + edge_weight(e_data, node) # Evaluate dist. if check_cutoff(vw_d): # Check the cutoff limit. wf_rm_edge(node_id, w) # Remove edge that cannot be see. continue if node['type'] == 'dispatcher': self._set_sub_dsp_node_input( node_id, w, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call, vw_d) else: # See the node. self._see_node(w, fringe, vw_d) return True def _see_node(self, node_id, fringe, dist, w_wait_in=0): """ See a node, updating seen and fringe. :param node_id: Node id to see. :type node_id: str :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param dist: Distance from the starting node. :type dist: float, int :param w_wait_in: Additional weight for sorting correctly the nodes in the fringe. :type w_wait_in: int, float :return: True if the node is visible, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts. seen, dists = self.seen, self.dist wait_in = self.nodes[node_id]['wait_inputs'] # Wait inputs flag. self._update_meeting(node_id, dist) # Update view distance. # Check if inputs are satisfied. if self.check_wait_in(wait_in, node_id): pass # Pass the node elif node_id in dists: # The node w already estimated. if dist < dists[node_id]: # Error for negative paths. raise DispatcherError('Contradictory paths found: ' 'negative weights?', sol=self) elif node_id not in seen or dist < seen[node_id]: # Check min dist. seen[node_id] = dist # Update dist. index = self.nodes[node_id]['index'] # Node index. # Virtual distance. vd = (w_wait_in + int(wait_in), node_id, self.index + index) # Add to heapq. heapq.heappush(fringe, (dist, vd, (node_id, self))) return True # The node is visible. return False # The node is not visible. def _remove_unused_nodes(self): """ Removes unused function and sub-dispatcher nodes. """ # Namespace shortcuts. nodes, wf_remove_node = self.nodes, self.workflow.remove_node add_visited, succ = self._visited.add, self.workflow.succ # Remove unused function and sub-dispatcher nodes. for n in (set(self._wf_pred) - set(self._visited)): node_type = nodes[n]['type'] # Node type. if node_type == 'data': continue # Skip data node. if node_type == 'dispatcher' and succ[n]: add_visited(n) # Add to visited nodes. i = self.index + nodes[n]['index'] self.sub_sol[i]._remove_unused_nodes() continue # Skip sub-dispatcher node with outputs. wf_remove_node(n) # Remove unused node. def _init_sub_dsp(self, dsp, fringe, outputs, no_call, initial_dist, index): """ Initialize the dispatcher as sub-dispatcher and update the fringe. :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param outputs: Ending data nodes. :type outputs: list[str], iterable :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool """ # Initialize as sub-dispatcher. sol = self.__class__( dsp, {}, outputs, False, None, None, no_call, False, wait_in=self._wait_in.get(dsp, None), index=self.index + index, stopper=self.stopper ) sol.sub_sol = self.sub_sol for f in sol.fringe: # Update the fringe. item = (initial_dist + f[0], (2,) + f[1][1:], f[-1]) heapq.heappush(fringe, item) return sol def _check_close_sub_dsp(self): pass def _see_remote_link_node(self, node_id, fringe=None, dist=None, check_dsp=lambda x: True): """ See data remote links of the node (set output to remote links). :param node_id: Node id. :type node_id: str :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param dist: Distance from the starting node. :type dist: float, int :param check_dsp: A function to check if the remote dispatcher is ok. :type check_dsp: (Dispatcher) -> bool """ node = self.nodes[node_id] # Namespace shortcut. if node['type'] == 'data' and 'remote_links' in node: value = self[node_id] # Get data output. for (dsp_id, dsp), type in node['remote_links']: if 'child' == type and check_dsp(self.index[:-1]): # Get node id of remote sub-dispatcher. sol = self.sub_sol[self.index[:-1]] for n_id in stlp(dsp.nodes[dsp_id]['outputs'][node_id]): b = n_id in sol._visited # Node has been visited. # Input do not coincide with the output. if not (b or sol.workflow.has_edge(n_id, dsp_id)): # Donate the result to the child. sol._wf_add_edge(dsp_id, n_id, value=value) if fringe is not None: # See node. sol._see_node(n_id, fringe, dist, w_wait_in=2) def _set_sub_dsp_node_input(self, node_id, dsp_id, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call, initial_dist): """ Initializes the sub-dispatcher and set its inputs. :param node_id: Input node to set. :type node_id: str :param dsp_id: Sub-dispatcher node id. :type dsp_id: str :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param check_cutoff: Check the cutoff limit. :type check_cutoff: (int | float) -> bool :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :param initial_dist: Distance to reach the sub-dispatcher node. :type initial_dist: int, float :return: If the input have been set. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts. node = self.nodes[dsp_id] dsp, pred = node['function'], self._wf_pred[dsp_id] distances, sub_sol = self.dist, self.sub_sol iv_nodes = [node_id] # Nodes do be added as initial values. self._meet[dsp_id] = initial_dist # Set view distance. # Check if inputs are satisfied. if self.check_wait_in(node['wait_inputs'], dsp_id): return False # Pass the node if dsp_id not in distances: kw = {} if 'input_domain' in node and not (self.no_domain or self.no_call): # noinspection PyBroadException try: kwargs = {k: v['value'] for k, v in pred.items()} kw['solution_domain'] = s = node['input_domain'](kwargs) if not s: return False # Args are not respecting the domain. else: iv_nodes = pred # Args respect the domain. except Exception: return False # Some error occurs. # Initialize the sub-dispatcher. sub_sol[self.index + node['index']] = sol = self._init_sub_dsp( dsp, fringe, node['outputs'], no_call, initial_dist, node['index'] ) self.workflow.add_node(dsp_id, solution=sol, **kw) distances[dsp_id] = initial_dist # Update min distance. else: sol = sub_sol[self.index + node['index']] for n_id in iv_nodes: # Namespace shortcuts. val = pred[n_id] for n in stlp(node['inputs'][n_id]): # Add initial value to the sub-dispatcher. sol._add_initial_value( n, val, initial_dist, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call ) return True def _warning(self, msg, node_id, ex, *args, **kwargs): """ Handles the error messages. .. note:: If `self.raises` is True the dispatcher interrupt the dispatch when an error occur, otherwise it logs a warning. """ if (self.raises and isinstance(ex, DispatcherError)) or \ isinstance(ex, DispatcherAbort): ex.update(self) raise ex self._errors[node_id] = msg % ((node_id, ex) + args) node_id = '/'.join(self.full_name + (node_id,)) if self.raises: raise DispatcherError(msg, node_id, ex, *args, sol=self, **kwargs) else: kwargs['exc_info'] = kwargs.get('exc_info', 1) log.error(msg, node_id, ex, *args, **kwargs)