Source code for schedula.ext.dispatcher.documenter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2020, Vincenzo Arcidiacono;
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
Dispatcher documenter.
import re
import glob
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import os.path as osp
import schedula as sh
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import DataDocumenter, bool_option
from doctest import DocTestParser, DocTestRunner, NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, ELLIPSIS

    from sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive import AutodocDirective
except ImportError:  # sphinx<1.7.1
    from sphinx.ext.autodoc import AutoDirective as AutodocDirective

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Doctest handling
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_re_doctest = re.compile(r'^\s*>>>', re.M)

[docs]def contains_doctest(text): try: # check if it's valid Python as-is compile(text, '<string>', 'exec') return False except SyntaxError: pass return bool(
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Auto dispatcher content # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_grandfather_content(content, level=2): if content.parent and level: return get_grandfather_content(content.parent, level - 1) return content, get_grandfather_offset(content)
[docs]def get_grandfather_offset(content): if content.parent: return get_grandfather_offset(content.parent) + content.parent_offset return 0
def _import_docstring_code_content(documenter): content = getattr(documenter, 'content', None) if content: import textwrap def get_code(source, c=''): s = "\n%s" % c return textwrap.dedent(s.join(map(str, source))) is_doctest = contains_doctest(get_code(content)) if is_doctest: parent, parent_offset = get_grandfather_content(content) parent = parent[:content._offset + len(content) - parent_offset] code = get_code(parent) else: code = get_code(content, '>>> ') return code, content def _import_docstring(documenter): code_content = _import_docstring_code_content(documenter) if code_content: # noinspection PyBroadException try: code, content = code_content parser = DocTestParser() runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=0, optionflags=NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | ELLIPSIS) glob = {} if documenter.modname: exec('from %s import *\n' % documenter.modname, glob) tests = parser.get_doctest(code, glob, '', '', 0), clear_globs=False) documenter.object = tests.globs[] documenter.code = content documenter.is_doctest = True return True except Exception: pass def _description(lines, dsp, documenter): docstring = dsp.__doc__ if documenter.objpath and documenter.analyzer: attr_docs = documenter.analyzer.find_attr_docs() key = ('.'.join(documenter.objpath[:-1]), documenter.objpath[-1]) if key in attr_docs: docstring = attr_docs[key] if isinstance(docstring, str): docstring = docstring.split('\n') + [''] lines.extend(docstring) def _code(lines, documenter): if documenter.code: if documenter.is_doctest: lines += [row.rstrip() for row in documenter.code] else: lines.extend(['.. code-block:: python', '']) lines.extend([' %s' % r.rstrip() for r in documenter.code]) lines.append('') def _plot(lines, dsp, dot_view_opt, documenter, dsp_opt): code_content = _import_docstring_code_content(documenter) hashkey = str(sorted(dot_view_opt.items())) + '\n' if code_content: hashkey += code_content[0] else: modname, objpath = documenter.modname, documenter.objpath if modname: hashkey += 'import %s\n' % modname if objpath: hashkey += 'from %s import %s\n' % (modname, '.'.join(objpath)) fname = 'dispatcher-%s' % hashlib.sha1(hashkey.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() env = documenter.env if osp.isabs(env.config.dispatchers_out_dir): dspdir = env.config.dispatchers_out_dir else: dspdir = osp.join(env.srcdir, env.config.dispatchers_out_dir) dspdir = osp.join(dspdir, fname) index = dot_view_opt.get('index', False) if osp.isdir(dspdir): fpath = glob.glob(osp.join(dspdir, '*.gv'))[0] else: smap = dsp.plot(**dot_view_opt) folder = next(iter(smap)) fpath = osp.join(dspdir, '%s.gv' % folder.sitemap.foldername) dot = smap.render(directory=dspdir, index=index), '') dsource = osp.dirname(osp.join(env.srcdir, env.docname)) p = osp.relpath(fpath, dsource).replace('\\', '/') dsp_opt = dsp_opt.copy() dsp_opt['graphviz_dot'] = dot_view_opt.get('engine', 'dot') if index: dsp_opt['index'] = '' lines.append('.. dsp:: %s' % p) lines.extend(' :{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in dsp_opt.items()) lines.append('') def _table_heather(lines, title, dsp_name): q = 's' if dsp_name and dsp_name[-1] != 's' else '' lines.extend(['.. csv-table:: **%s\'%s %s**' % (dsp_name, q, title), '']) def _data(lines, dsp): if isinstance(dsp, sh.SubDispatch): dsp = dsp.dsp data = sorted(dsp.data_nodes.items()) if data: _table_heather(lines, 'data', from schedula.utils.des import get_summary from schedula.utils.alg import _search_node_description for k, v in data: des, link = _search_node_description(dsp, k) link = ':obj:`%s <%s>`' % (_node_name(str(k)), link) str_format = u' "%s", "%s"' lines.append(str_format % ( link.replace('"', "'"), get_summary(des.split('\n')).replace('"', '""') )) lines.append('') dsp_classes = sh.Dispatcher, sh.SubDispatch, sh.Blueprint def _functions(lines, dsp, node_type='function'): if isinstance(dsp, sh.SubDispatch): dsp = dsp.dsp def check_fun(node_attr): if node_attr['type'] not in ('function', 'dispatcher'): return False if 'function' in node_attr: func = sh.parent_func(node_attr['function']) c = isinstance(func, dsp_classes) return c if node_type == 'dispatcher' else not c return node_attr['type'] == node_type fun = [v for v in sorted(dsp.nodes.items()) if check_fun(v[1])] if fun: from schedula.utils.alg import _search_node_description _table_heather(lines, '%ss' % node_type, for k, v in fun: des, full_name = _search_node_description(dsp, k) lines.append(u' ":func:`%s <%s>`", "%s"' % ( k.replace('"', '""'), full_name.replace('"', '""'), des.replace('"', '""') )) lines.append('') def _node_name(name): return name.replace('<', '\\<').replace('>', '\\>') PLOT = object() def _dsp2dot_option(arg): """Used to convert the :dmap: option to auto directives.""" # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def map_args(*args, **kwargs): from schedula.utils.base import Base a = inspect.signature(Base.plot).bind(None, *args, **kwargs).arguments a.popitem(last=False) return a kw = eval('map_args(%s)' % arg) return kw if kw else PLOT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Registration hook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DispatcherDocumenter(DataDocumenter): """ Specialized Documenter subclass for dispatchers. """ content_indent = '' objtype = 'dispatcher' directivetype = 'data' option_spec = dict(DataDocumenter.option_spec) option_spec.update({ 'description': bool_option, 'opt': _dsp2dot_option, 'code': bool_option, 'data': bool_option, 'func': bool_option, 'dsp': bool_option, 'height': directives.length_or_unitless, 'width': directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless, }) default_opt = { 'depth': 0, 'view': False } code = None is_doctest = False blue_cache = {}
[docs] def get_real_modname(self): return self.modname
[docs] @classmethod def can_document_member(cls, member, *args, **kwargs): return isinstance(member, dsp_classes)
[docs] def add_directive_header(self, sig): if not self.code: if not self.options.annotation: self.options.annotation = ' = %s' % super(DispatcherDocumenter, self).add_directive_header(sig)
[docs] def parse_name(self): return super(DispatcherDocumenter, self).parse_name() or True
[docs] def generate(self, more_content=None, **kw): # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self.content = kw['more_content'] = more_content return super(DispatcherDocumenter, self).generate(**kw)
[docs] def import_object(self): if _import_docstring(self): return True self.is_doctest = False self.code = None res = DataDocumenter.import_object(self) if res and isinstance(self.object, sh.Blueprint): self.object = self.object.register(memo=self.blue_cache) return res
[docs] def format_signature(self): return ''
[docs] def add_content(self, more_content, no_docstring=False): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences sourcename = self.get_sourcename() dsp = self.object opt = self.options dot_view_opt = self.default_opt.copy() if opt.opt and opt.opt is not PLOT: dot_view_opt.update(opt.opt) lines = [] if opt.code: _code(lines, self) if not opt or opt.des: _description(lines, dsp, self) _plot(lines, dsp, dot_view_opt, self, { k: getattr(opt, k) for k in ('height', 'width') if getattr(opt, k) is not None }) if not opt or _data(lines, dsp) if not opt or opt.func: _functions(lines, dsp) if not opt or opt.dsp: _functions(lines, dsp, 'dispatcher') for line in lines: self.add_line(line, sourcename)
[docs]class DispatcherDirective(AutodocDirective): _default_flags = set(DispatcherDocumenter.option_spec)
[docs] def __init__(self, name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, *args, **kwargs): content._offset = content_offset super(DispatcherDirective, self).__init__( name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, *args, **kwargs ) if name == 'dispatcher': = 'autodispatcher'
[docs]def add_autodocumenter(app, cls): logger.debug('[app] adding autodocumenter: %r', cls) try: from sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive import AutodocDirective app.registry.add_documenter(cls.objtype, cls) except AttributeError: from sphinx.ext import autodoc autodoc.add_documenter(cls) app.add_directive('auto' + cls.objtype, DispatcherDirective)
[docs]def setup(app): """Setup `dispatcher` Sphinx extension module. """ app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.autodoc') add_autodocumenter(app, DispatcherDocumenter) app.add_directive('dispatcher', DispatcherDirective) app.add_config_value('dispatchers_out_dir', '_build/_dispatchers', 'html')