3. Tutorial

Let’s assume that we want develop a tool to automatically manage the symmetric cryptography. The base idea is to open a file, read its content, encrypt or decrypt the data and then write them out to a new file. This tutorial shows how to:

  1. define and execute a dataflow execution model,

  2. extract a sub-model, and

  3. deploy a web API service.


You can find more examples, on how to use the schedula library, into the folder examples.

3.1. Model definition

First of all we start defining an empty Dispatcher named symmetric_cryptography that defines the dataflow execution model:

>>> import schedula as sh
>>> dsp = sh.Dispatcher(name='symmetric_cryptography')

There are two main ways to get a key, we can either generate a new one or use one that has previously been generated. Hence, we can define three functions to simply generate, save, and load the key. To automatically populate the model inheriting the arguments names, we can use the decorator add_function() as follow:

>>> import os.path as osp
>>> from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
>>> @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['key'], weight=2)
... def generate_key():
...     return Fernet.generate_key().decode()
>>> @sh.add_function(dsp)
... def write_key(key_fpath, key):
...     with open(key_fpath, 'w') as f:
...         f.write(key)
>>> @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['key'], input_domain=osp.isfile)
... def read_key(key_fpath):
...     with open(key_fpath) as f:
...         return f.read()


Since Python does not come with anything that can encrypt/decrypt files, in this tutorial, we use a third party module named cryptography. To install it execute pip install cryptography.

To encrypt/decrypt a message, you will need a key as previously defined and your data encrypted or decrypted. Therefore, we can define two functions and add them, as before, to the model:

>>> @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['encrypted'])
... def encrypt_message(key, decrypted):
...     return Fernet(key.encode()).encrypt(decrypted.encode()).decode()
>>> @sh.add_function(dsp, outputs=['decrypted'])
... def decrypt_message(key, encrypted):
...     return Fernet(key.encode()).decrypt(encrypted.encode()).decode()

Finally, to read and write the encrypted or decrypted message, according to the functional programming philosophy, we can reuse the previously defined functions read_key and write_key changing the model mapping (i.e., function_id, inputs, and outputs). To add to the model, we can simply use the add_function method as follow:

>>> dsp.add_function(
...     function_id='read_decrypted',
...     function=read_key,
...     inputs=['decrypted_fpath'],
...     outputs=['decrypted']
... )
>>> dsp.add_function(
...     'read_encrypted', read_key, ['encrypted_fpath'], ['encrypted'],
...     input_domain=osp.isfile
... )
>>> dsp.add_function(
...     'write_decrypted', write_key, ['decrypted_fpath', 'decrypted'],
...     input_domain=osp.isfile
... )
>>> dsp.add_function(
...     'write_encrypted', write_key, ['encrypted_fpath', 'encrypted']
... )

To inspect and visualize the dataflow execution model, you can simply plot the graph as follow:

>>> dsp.plot()  


You can explore the diagram by clicking on it.

3.2. Dispatching

To see the dataflow execution model in action and its workflow to generate a key, to encrypt a message, and to write the encrypt data, you can simply invoke dispatch() or __call__() methods of the dsp:

>>> import tempfile
>>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> message = "secret message"
>>> sol = dsp(inputs=dict(
...     decrypted=message,
...     encrypted_fpath=osp.join(tempdir, 'data.secret'),
...     key_fpath=osp.join(tempdir,'key.key')
... ))
>>> sol.plot(index=True)  


As you can see from the workflow graph (orange nodes), when some function’s inputs does not respect its domain, the Dispatcher automatically finds an alternative path to estimate all computable outputs. The same logic applies when there is a function failure.

Now to decrypt the data and verify the message without saving the decrypted message, you just need to execute again the dsp changing the inputs and setting the desired outputs. In this way, the dispatcher automatically selects and executes only a sub-part of the dataflow execution model.

>>> dsp(
...     inputs=sh.selector(('encrypted_fpath', 'key_fpath'), sol),
...     outputs=['decrypted']
... )['decrypted'] == message

If you want to visualize the latest workflow of the dispatcher, you can use the plot() method with the keyword workflow=True:

>>> dsp.plot(workflow=True, index=True)  

3.3. Sub-model extraction

A good security practice, when design a light web API service, is to avoid the unregulated access to the system’s reading and writing features. Since our current dataflow execution model exposes these functionality, we need to extract sub-model without read/write of key and message functions:

>>> api = dsp.get_sub_dsp((
...     'decrypt_message', 'encrypt_message', 'key', 'encrypted',
...     'decrypted', 'generate_key', sh.START
... ))

3.4. API server

Now that the api model is secure, we can deploy our web API service. schedula allows to convert automatically a Dispatcher to a web API service using the web() method. By default, it exposes the dispatch() method of the Dispatcher and maps all its functions and sub-dispatchers. Each of these APIs are commonly called endpoints. You can launch the server with the code below:

>>> server = api.web(run=False).site(host='', port=5000).run()
>>> url = server.url; url


When server object is garbage collected, the server shutdowns automatically. To force the server shutdown, use its method server.shutdown().

Once the server is running, you can try out the encryption functionality making a JSON POST request, specifying the args and kwargs of the dispatch() method, as follow:

>>> import requests
>>> res = requests.post(
...     '', json={'args': [{'decrypted': 'message'}]}
... ).json()


By default, the server returns a JSON response containing the function results (i.e., 'return') or, in case of server code failure, it returns the 'error' message.

To validate the encrypted message, you can directly invoke the decryption function as follow:

>>> res = requests.post(
...     '%s/symmetric_cryptography/decrypt_message?data=input,return' % url,
...     json={'kwargs': sh.selector(('key', 'encrypted'), res['return'])}
... ).json(); sorted(res)
['input', 'return']
>>> res['return'] == 'message'


The available endpoints are formatted like:

  • / or /{dsp_name}: calls the dispatch() method,

  • /{dsp_name}/{function_id}: invokes the relative function.

There is an optional query param data=input,return, to include the inputs into the server JSON response and exclude the possible error message.