
Dispatcher.__init__(dmap=None, name='', default_values=None, raises=False, description='', executor=None)[source]

Initializes the dispatcher.

  • dmap (networkx.DiGraph, optional) – A directed graph that stores data & functions parameters.
  • name (str, optional) – The dispatcher’s name.
  • default_values (dict[str, dict], optional) – Data node default values. These will be used as input if it is not specified as inputs in the ArciDispatch algorithm.
  • raises (bool|callable|str, optional) – If True the dispatcher interrupt the dispatch when an error occur, otherwise if raises != ‘’ it logs a warning. If a callable is given it will be executed passing the exception to decide to raise or not the exception.
  • description (str, optional) – The dispatcher’s description.
  • executor (str, optional) –

    A pool executor id to dispatch asynchronously or in parallel.

    There are four default Pool executors to dispatch asynchronously or in parallel:

    • async: execute all functions asynchronously in the same process,
    • parallel: execute all functions in parallel excluding SubDispatch functions,
    • parallel-pool: execute all functions in parallel using a process pool excluding SubDispatch functions,
    • parallel-dispatch: execute all functions in parallel including SubDispatch.