Source code for schedula.utils.alg

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2024, Vincenzo Arcidiacono;
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

It contains basic algorithms, numerical tricks, and data processing tasks.

import collections
from .gen import counter
from .cst import EMPTY, NONE
from .dsp import SubDispatch, bypass, stlp, parent_func, NoSub, inf

__author__ = 'Vincenzo Arcidiacono <>'

[docs] def add_func_edges(dsp, fun_id, nodes_bunch, edge_weights=None, input=True, data_nodes=None): """ Adds function node edges. :param dsp: A dispatcher that identifies the model adopted. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher :param fun_id: Function node id. :type fun_id: str :param nodes_bunch: A container of nodes which will be iterated through once. :type nodes_bunch: iterable :param edge_weights: Edge weights. :type edge_weights: dict, optional :param input: If True the nodes_bunch are input nodes, otherwise are output nodes. :type input: bool, optional :param data_nodes: Data nodes to be deleted if something fail. :type data_nodes: list :return: List of new data nodes. :rtype: list """ # Namespace shortcut for speed. add_edge = _add_edge_dmap_fun(dsp.dmap, edge_weights) node, add_data = dsp.dmap.nodes, dsp.add_data remove_nodes = dsp.dmap.remove_nodes_from # Define an error message. msg = 'Invalid %sput id: {} is not a data node' % ['out', 'in'][input] i, j = ('i', 'o') if input else ('o', 'i') data_nodes = data_nodes or [] # Update data nodes. for u in nodes_bunch: # Iterate nodes. try: if node[u]['type'] != 'data': # The node is not a data node. data_nodes.append(fun_id) # Add function id to be removed. remove_nodes(data_nodes) # Remove function and new data nodes. raise ValueError(msg.format(u)) # Raise error. except KeyError: data_nodes.append(add_data(data_id=u)) # Add new data node. add_edge(**{i: u, j: fun_id, 'w': u}) # Add edge. return data_nodes # Return new data nodes.
def _add_edge_dmap_fun(graph, edges_weights=None): """ Adds edge to the dispatcher map. :param graph: A directed graph. :type graph: schedula.utils.graph.DiGraph :param edges_weights: Edge weights. :type edges_weights: dict, optional :return: A function that adds an edge to the `graph`. :rtype: callable """ add = graph.add_edge # Namespace shortcut for speed. if edges_weights is not None: def add_edge(i, o, w): if w in edges_weights: add(i, o, weight=edges_weights[w]) # Weighted edge. else: add(i, o) # Normal edge. else: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def add_edge(i, o, w): add(i, o) # Normal edge. return add_edge # Returns the function. def _get_node(nodes, node_id, fuzzy=True): """ Returns a dispatcher node that match the given node id. :param nodes: Dispatcher nodes. :type nodes: dict :param node_id: Node id. :type node_id: str :return: The dispatcher node and its id. :rtype: (str, dict) """ try: return node_id, nodes[node_id] # Return dispatcher node and its id. except KeyError as ex: if fuzzy: for k in sorted(nodes, key=str): if node_id in k: return k, nodes[k] raise ex def _nodes(alist): return set(sum(map(stlp, alist), ())) def _get_sub_inp(attr, pred): inp = attr['inputs'] return set(sum(map(stlp, (v for k, v in inp.items() if k in pred)), ())) def _get_sub_out(attr, succ): out = attr['outputs'] return {k for k, v in out.items() if any(i in succ for i in stlp(v))} def _update_io(a, pred, succ, parent=True): inp_k, out_k = ['inputs', 'outputs'][::int(parent) * 2 - 1] a[inp_k] = {k: v for k, v in a[inp_k].items() if k in pred} o = {k: tuple(j for j in stlp(v) if j in succ) for k, v in a[out_k].items()} a[out_k] = {k: bypass(*v) for k, v in o.items() if v} if parent: nds = set(a['function'].data_nodes) _update_io(a, nds, nds, parent=False) return set(pred) - set(a[inp_k]), set(succ) - _nodes(a[out_k].values()) def _search_node_description(dsp, node_id, what='description'): dsp = getattr(dsp, 'dsp', dsp) from .des import search_node_description return search_node_description(node_id, dsp.nodes[node_id], dsp, what)
[docs] def get_sub_node(dsp, path, node_attr='auto', solution=NONE, _level=0, _dsp_name=NONE): """ Returns a sub node of a dispatcher. :param dsp: A dispatcher object or a sub dispatch function. :type dsp: schedula.Dispatcher | SubDispatch :param path: A sequence of node ids or a single node id. Each id identifies a sub-level node. :type path: tuple, str :param node_attr: Output node attr. If the searched node does not have this attribute, all its attributes are returned. When 'auto', returns the "default" attributes of the searched node, which are: - for data node: its output, and if not exists, all its attributes. - for function and sub-dispatcher nodes: the 'function' attribute. :type node_attr: str | None :param solution: Parent Solution. :type solution: schedula.utils.Solution :param _level: Path level. :type _level: int :param _dsp_name: dsp name to show when the function raise a value error. :type _dsp_name: str :return: A sub node of a dispatcher and its path. :rtype: dict | object, tuple[str] **Example**: .. dispatcher:: o :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 :code: >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> s_dsp = Dispatcher(name='Sub-dispatcher') >>> def fun(a, b): ... return a + b ... >>> s_dsp.add_function('a + b', fun, ['a', 'b'], ['c']) 'a + b' >>> dispatch = SubDispatch(s_dsp, ['c'], output_type='dict') >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('Sub-dispatcher', dispatch, ['a'], ['b']) 'Sub-dispatcher' >>> o = dsp.dispatch(inputs={'a': {'a': 3, 'b': 1}}) ... Get the sub node 'c' output or type:: >>> get_sub_node(dsp, ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c')) (4, ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c')) >>> get_sub_node(dsp, ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c'), node_attr='type') ('data', ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c')) Get the sub-dispatcher output: .. dispatcher:: sol :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 :code: >>> sol, p = get_sub_node(dsp, ('Sub-dispatcher',), node_attr='output') >>> sol, p (Solution([('a', 3), ('b', 1), ('c', 4)]), ('Sub-dispatcher',)) """ path = list(path) if isinstance(dsp, SubDispatch): # Take the dispatcher obj. dsp = dsp.dsp if _dsp_name is NONE: # Set origin dispatcher name for warning purpose. _dsp_name = if solution is NONE: # Set origin dispatcher name for warning purpose. solution = dsp.solution node_id = path[_level] # Node id at given level. try: node_id, node = _get_node(dsp.nodes, node_id) # Get dispatcher node. path[_level] = node_id except KeyError: if _level == len(path) - 1 and node_attr in ('auto', 'output') \ and solution is not EMPTY: try: # Get dispatcher node. node_id, node = _get_node(solution, node_id, False) path[_level] = node_id return node, tuple(path) except KeyError: pass msg = 'Path %s does not exist in %s dispatcher.' % (path, _dsp_name) raise ValueError(msg) _level += 1 # Next level. if _level < len(path): # Is not path leaf?. try: if node['type'] in ('function', 'dispatcher'): try: solution = solution.workflow.nodes[node_id]['solution'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): solution = EMPTY dsp = parent_func(node['function']) # Get parent function. else: raise KeyError except KeyError: msg = 'Node of path %s at level %i is not a function or ' \ 'sub-dispatcher node of %s ' \ 'dispatcher.' % (path, _level, _dsp_name) raise ValueError(msg) # Continue the node search. return get_sub_node(dsp, path, node_attr, solution, _level, _dsp_name) else: data, sol = EMPTY, solution # Return the sub node. if node_attr == 'auto' and node['type'] != 'data': # Auto: function. node_attr = 'function' elif node_attr == 'auto' and sol is not EMPTY and node_id in sol: data = sol[node_id] # Auto: data output. elif node_attr == 'output' and node['type'] != 'data': data = sol.workflow.nodes[node_id]['solution'] elif node_attr == 'output' and node['type'] == 'data': data = sol[node_id] elif node_attr == 'description': # Search and return node description. data = _search_node_description(dsp, node_id)[0] elif node_attr == 'value_type' and node['type'] == 'data': # Search and return data node value's type. data = _search_node_description(dsp, node_id, node_attr)[0] elif node_attr == 'default_value': data = dsp.default_values[node_id] elif node_attr == 'dsp': data = dsp elif node_attr == 'sol': data = sol if data is EMPTY: data = node.get(node_attr, node) return data, tuple(path) # Return the data
[docs] class DspPipe(collections.OrderedDict): def __repr__(self): return "<%s instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
[docs] def get_full_pipe(sol, base=()): """ Returns the full pipe of a dispatch run. :param sol: A Solution object. :type sol: schedula.utils.Solution :param base: Base node id. :type base: tuple[str] :return: Full pipe of a dispatch run. :rtype: DspPipe """ pipe, i = DspPipe(), len(base) for p in sol._pipe: n, s = p[-1] d = s.dsp p = {'task': p} if n in s._errors: p['error'] = s._errors[n] node_id = s.full_name + (n,) assert base == node_id[:i], '%s != %s' % (node_id[:i], base) n_id = node_id[i:] n, path = d.get_node(n, node_attr=None) if n['type'] == 'function' and 'function' in n: try: sub_sol = s.workflow.nodes[path[-1]]['solution'] if isinstance(parent_func(n['function']), NoSub): node_id = () sp = get_full_pipe(sub_sol, base=node_id) if sp: p['sub_pipe'] = sp except KeyError: pass pipe[bypass(*n_id)] = p return pipe
def _sort_sk_wait_in(sol): c = counter() def _get_sk_wait_in(s): w = s._visited.copy() _l = [] for n, a in s.dsp.sub_dsp_nodes.items(): if 'function' in a and s.index + a['index'] in s.sub_sol: sub_sol = s.sub_sol[s.index + a['index']] n_d, ll = _get_sk_wait_in(sub_sol) _l += ll wi = {k for k, v in sub_sol._wait_in.items() if v is True} n_d = n_d.union(wi) o = a['outputs'] w = w.union({v for k, v in o.items() if k in n_d}) # Nodes to be visited. wi = {k for k, v in s._wait_in.items() if v is True} n_d = {k for k in s.workflow.nodes if k not in w}.union( s._visited.intersection(wi) ) wi = n_d.intersection(wi) _inf = inf(float('inf'), 0) _l += [(s._meet.get(k, _inf), str(k), c(), s._wait_in, k) for k in wi] return n_d, _l return sorted(_get_sk_wait_in(sol)[1]) def _union_workflow(sol, node_id=None, bfs=None): if node_id is not None: j = bfs[node_id] = bfs.get(node_id, {NONE: set()}) else: j = bfs or {NONE: set()} j[NONE].update(sol.workflow.edges) for n, a in sol.dsp.sub_dsp_nodes.items(): if 'function' in a: s = sol.sub_sol.get(sol.index + a['index'], None) if s: _union_workflow(s, node_id=n, bfs=j) return j def _convert_bfs(bfs): from .graph import DiGraph g = DiGraph() g.add_edges_from(bfs[NONE]) bfs[NONE] = g for k, v in bfs.items(): if k is not NONE: _convert_bfs(v) return bfs