Source code for schedula.utils.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2024, Vincenzo Arcidiacono;
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It provides a base class for dispatcher objects.
import glob
import copy
import os.path as osp
from .cst import NONE

[docs] class Base: """Base class for dispatcher objects.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return super(Base, cls).__new__(cls) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ memo[id(self)] = result = cls.__new__(cls) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): # noinspection PyArgumentList setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result
[docs] def web(self, depth=-1, node_data=NONE, node_function=NONE, directory=None, sites=None, run=True, subsite_idle_timeout=600): """ Creates a dispatcher Flask app. :param depth: Depth of sub-dispatch API. If negative all levels are configured. :type depth: int, optional :param node_data: Data node attributes to produce API. :type node_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_function: Function node attributes produce API. :type node_function: tuple[str], optional :param directory: Where is the generated Flask app root located? :type directory: str, optional :param sites: A set of :class:`~schedula.utils.drw.Site` to maintain alive the backend server. :type sites: set[~schedula.utils.drw.Site], optional :param run: Run the backend server? :type run: bool, optional :param subsite_idle_timeout: Idle timeout of a debug subsite in seconds. :type subsite_idle_timeout: int, optional :return: A WebMap. :rtype: ~schedula.utils.web.WebMap Example: From a dispatcher like this: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> def fun(a): ... return a + 1, a - 1 >>> dsp.add_function('fun', fun, ['a'], ['b', 'c']) 'fun' You can create a web server with the following steps:: >>> print("Starting...\\n"); site = dsp.web(); site Starting... Site(WebMap([(Dispatcher, WebMap())]), host='localhost', ...) >>> import requests >>> url = '%s/%s/%s' % (site.url,, fun.__name__) >>>, json={'args': (0,)}).json()['return'] [1, -1] >>> site.shutdown() # Remember to shutdown the server. True .. note:: When :class:`~schedula.utils.drw.Site` is garbage collected, the server is shutdown automatically. """ options = {'node_data': node_data, 'node_function': node_function} options = {k: v for k, v in options.items() if v is not NONE} from .web import WebMap from .sol import Solution obj = self.dsp if isinstance(self, Solution) else self webmap = WebMap() webmap.add_items(obj, workflow=False, depth=depth, **options) = directory webmap.idle_timeout = subsite_idle_timeout if sites is not None: sites.add( elif run: return return webmap
[docs] def form(self, depth=1, node_data=NONE, node_function=NONE, directory=None, sites=None, run=True, view=True, get_context=NONE, get_data=NONE, subsite_idle_timeout=600, basic_app_config=None, stripe_event_handler=lambda event: None): """ Creates a dispatcher Form Flask app. :param depth: Depth of sub-dispatch API. If negative all levels are configured. :type depth: int, optional :param node_data: Data node attributes to produce API. :type node_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_function: Function node attributes produce API. :type node_function: tuple[str], optional :param directory: Where is the generated Flask app root located? :type directory: str, optional :param sites: A set of :class:`~schedula.utils.drw.Site` to maintain alive the backend server. :type sites: set[~schedula.utils.drw.Site], optional :param run: Run the backend server? :type run: bool, optional :param view: Open the url site with the sys default opener. :type view: bool, optional :param get_context: Function to pass extra data as form context. :type get_context: function | dict, optional :param get_data: Function to initialize the formdata. :type get_data: function | dict, optional :param subsite_idle_timeout: Idle timeout of a debug subsite in seconds. :type subsite_idle_timeout: int, optional :param basic_app_config: Flask app config object. :type basic_app_config: object, optional :param stripe_event_handler: Stripe event handler function. :type stripe_event_handler: function, optional :return: A FormMap or a Site if `sites is None` and `run or view is True`. :rtype: ~schedula.utils.form.FormMap | ~schedula.utils.drw.Site """ options = {'node_data': node_data, 'node_function': node_function} options = {k: v for k, v in options.items() if v is not NONE} from .form import FormMap from .sol import Solution obj = self.dsp if isinstance(self, Solution) else self formmap = FormMap() formmap.add_items(obj, workflow=False, depth=depth, **options) = directory formmap.idle_timeout = subsite_idle_timeout formmap.basic_app_config = basic_app_config formmap.stripe_event_handler = stripe_event_handler methods = { 'get_form_context': get_context, 'get_form_data': get_data } for k, v in methods.items(): if v is not NONE: setattr(formmap, f'_{k}', v) if sites is not None or run or view: site = site = run and not view and or site if sites is None: return site sites.add(site) return formmap
[docs] def plot(self, workflow=None, view=True, depth=-1, name=NONE, comment=NONE, format=NONE, engine=NONE, encoding=NONE, graph_attr=NONE, node_attr=NONE, edge_attr=NONE, body=NONE, raw_body=NONE, node_styles=NONE, node_data=NONE, node_function=NONE, edge_data=NONE, max_lines=NONE, max_width=NONE, directory=None, sites=None, index=True, viz=False, short_name=None, executor='async', render=False, run=False): """ Plots the Dispatcher with a graph in the DOT language with Graphviz. :param workflow: If True the latest solution will be plotted, otherwise the dmap. :type workflow: bool, optional :param view: Open the rendered directed graph in the DOT language with the sys default opener. :type view: bool, optional :param edge_data: Edge attributes to view. :type edge_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_data: Data node attributes to view. :type node_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_function: Function node attributes to view. :type node_function: tuple[str], optional :param node_styles: Default node styles according to graphviz node attributes. :type node_styles: dict[str|Token, dict[str, str]] :param depth: Depth of sub-dispatch plots. If negative all levels are plotted. :type depth: int, optional :param name: Graph name used in the source code. :type name: str :param comment: Comment added to the first line of the source. :type comment: str :param directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering. :type directory: str, optional :param format: Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', ...). :type format: str, optional :param engine: Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', ...). :type engine: str, optional :param encoding: Encoding for saving the source. :type encoding: str, optional :param graph_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph. :type graph_attr: dict, optional :param node_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes. :type node_attr: dict, optional :param edge_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges. :type edge_attr: dict, optional :param body: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs to add to the graph body. :type body: dict, optional :param raw_body: List of command to add to the graph body. :type raw_body: list, optional :param directory: Where is the generated Flask app root located? :type directory: str, optional :param sites: A set of :class:`~schedula.utils.drw.Site` to maintain alive the backend server. :type sites: set[~schedula.utils.drw.Site], optional :param index: Add the site index as first page? :type index: bool, optional :param max_lines: Maximum number of lines for rendering node attributes. :type max_lines: int, optional :param max_width: Maximum number of characters in a line to render node attributes. :type max_width: int, optional :param view: Open the main page of the site? :type view: bool, optional :param render: Render all pages statically? :type render: bool, optional :param viz: Use viz.js as back-end? :type viz: bool, optional :param short_name: Maximum length of the filename, if set name is hashed and reduced. :type short_name: int, optional :param executor: Pool executor to render object. :type executor: str, optional :param run: Run the backend server? :type run: bool, optional :return: A SiteMap or a Site if . :rtype: schedula.utils.drw.SiteMap Example: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> def fun(a): ... return a + 1, a - 1 >>> dsp.add_function('fun', fun, ['a'], ['b', 'c']) 'fun' >>> dsp.plot(view=False, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}) SiteMap([(Dispatcher, SiteMap())]) """ d = { 'name': name, 'comment': comment, 'format': format, 'body': body, 'engine': engine, 'encoding': encoding, 'graph_attr': graph_attr, 'node_attr': node_attr, 'edge_attr': edge_attr, 'raw_body': raw_body } options = { 'digraph': {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not NONE} or NONE, 'node_styles': node_styles, 'node_data': node_data, 'node_function': node_function, 'edge_data': edge_data, 'max_lines': max_lines, # 5 'max_width': max_width, # 200 } options = {k: v for k, v in options.items() if v is not NONE} from .drw import SiteMap from .sol import Solution if workflow is None and isinstance(self, Solution): workflow = True else: workflow = workflow or False sitemap = SiteMap() sitemap.short_name = short_name = directory sitemap.add_items(self, workflow=workflow, depth=depth, **options) if render: sitemap.render( directory=directory, view=view, index=index, viz_js=viz, executor=executor ) elif view or run or sites is not None: site = directory, view=view, run=run, index=index, viz_js=viz, executor=executor ) if sites is None: return site sites.add(site) return sitemap
[docs] def get_node(self, *node_ids, node_attr=NONE): """ Returns a sub node of a dispatcher. :param node_ids: A sequence of node ids or a single node id. The id order identifies a dispatcher sub-level. :type node_ids: str :param node_attr: Output node attr. If the searched node does not have this attribute, all its attributes are returned. When 'auto', returns the "default" attributes of the searched node, which are: - for data node: its output, and if not exists, all its attributes. - for function and sub-dispatcher nodes: the 'function' attribute. When 'description', returns the "description" of the searched node, searching also in function or sub-dispatcher input/output description. When 'output', returns the data node output. When 'default_value', returns the data node default value. When 'value_type', returns the data node value's type. When `None`, returns the node attributes. :type node_attr: str, None, optional :return: Node attributes and its real path. :rtype: (T, (str, ...)) **Example**: .. dispatcher:: o :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}, depth=-1 >>> import schedula as sh >>> sub_dsp = sh.Dispatcher(name='Sub-dispatcher') >>> def fun(a, b): ... return a + b ... >>> sub_dsp.add_function('a + b', fun, ['a', 'b'], ['c']) 'a + b' >>> dispatch = sh.SubDispatch(sub_dsp, ['c'], output_type='dict') >>> dsp = sh.Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function('Sub-dispatcher', dispatch, ['a'], ['b']) 'Sub-dispatcher' >>> o = dsp.dispatch(inputs={'a': {'a': 3, 'b': 1}}) ... Get the sub node output:: >>> dsp.get_node('Sub-dispatcher', 'c') (4, ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c')) >>> dsp.get_node('Sub-dispatcher', 'c', node_attr='type') ('data', ('Sub-dispatcher', 'c')) .. dispatcher:: sub_dsp :opt: workflow=True, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> sub_dsp, sub_dsp_id = dsp.get_node('Sub-dispatcher') """ kw = {} from .sol import Solution if node_attr is NONE: node_attr = 'output' if isinstance(self, Solution) else 'auto' if isinstance(self, Solution): kw['solution'] = self from .alg import get_sub_node dsp = getattr(self, 'dsp', self) # Returns the node. return get_sub_node(dsp, node_ids, node_attr=node_attr, **kw)